Chapter 3

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(*Yuki's POV*)

    I saw Tamaki starting to storm over here, oh god what did she do now?! I sunk into my chair and tried to cover my face. I know that this is typical behavior for Miyu, but how did she already know I was going to be here? That wench! She probably told some crap about me to Tamaki. That is what she is good at anyways. I kept my head down as Tamaki approaches me his face red with anger, I have seen him like that before, but he was with the nerdy gu-girl and I couldn't hear what they were saying anyways so I don't really know what they were both saying. Oh god he is coming closer! I hate her! All she ever does is make me do terribly at everything I do and all it does to her is make her happier! How does seeing others in pain give her pleasure. Tamaki gets in front of me with an outraged look in my face, which makes my insides melt. He suddenly smiles a little.

    "Don't worry Yuki, I know Miyu's kind a little to well to fall for her tricks. Just act like you are troubled and I will act like I am yelling at you." He whispered. I nodded with ease, thank god. She already messed up to much of my life, I do not need her to mess up my life anymore than she had already had. Seconds after Tamaki 'storms' away again with his face extremely red once again. I guess he practiced acting sometime because this is very believable. I stood there and looked down trying to looked grieved. When I hear footsteps I shot my head up to see Miyu strutting out with a humongous smirk on her face. I chuckled to myself as I go towards the dessert cart, it was irresistible.

    I sat through another class doodling on the corner of the desk. The bells rings and I quickly grab my books and stand up. It is the best part of the day, lunch time. 

   "Hey Yuki!" I hear somebody shout at me, I instantly turn around. It was Emi, Emi was a girl who has been in my class for as long as I could remember, but we never talked. She always hanged out with the same four people, her little group. I guess you could say that she acts sweetly to me, she never bullied me. She walks up to me with a huge smile.

   "Oh, hi Emi." I said in a calm matter, right behind her was her best friend, Mei. She was very similar to Emi, but I have talked to her a bit, she is very positive. 

    "Well, I sort of feel bad for ignoring you after all these years, so I was wondering if you might want to sit with me and my friends at lunch today, there is only four at us and there is always an empty seat to be filled, so what do you say?" She asked, she made many gestures when she spoke. I smiled at the idea, I never really sat with anybody during lunch, I usually ate in the courtyard alone. I think it would be incredibly stupid to say no.

    "Sure,"  I exclaimed as they both smiled at each other.  

    "Coolio! Lets go!" Mei said excitedly as we all walked out the door. I don't know how to describe it, I just feel more..... secure with Emi and Mei by my side. Like nobody can come near us, like a wall that protects us from the predators from the outside. I see Sumiko, one of Miyu's friends, henchman, with a shocked expression on her face. Since the cafeteria is not that far from the classroom we get there in about a minute. They both lead me to their table, there was Beniko and Tomi, Tomi was also in our year, but he was put into Class C. They both sat down in there seats. 

    "You can sit next to me Yuki!" Emi smiled as she pulled the chair from under the table. I whispered thank you under my breath and I sat in between her and Tomi. I grabbed my bag that I kept my lunch in.

    "Beniko, what did you get on the English assessment?" Mei asked as she stuffed a few pretzels in her mouth. 

    "96%, but I would have done a lot better if I studied." Beniko said coolly as he raised his head from his book for a brief second to answer the question. 

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