Josh im sorry

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As we walked up to my house I began to feel extremely anxious. Not even my parents or siblings had seen my songs let alone hear me play or sing them.
I sucked in a shaky breath as I unlocked the door to an empty house.
"Wow, I like your house" josh said as he stood looking into the living room and down the halls.
"T-thanks" I stuttered.
"Now come on, I wanna hear this song" Josh grinned which caused my anxiety to spike.
I walked up the stairs my hands slipping on the banisters due to how sweaty they are.
I walked into my room and awkwardly stood there as I watched Josh stop walking to stare at my room.

My room didn't have much, it consisted of grey walls a double bed, all the things a room needs, and, well... Yeah. Like I said my room wasn't much at all.
"Dude you have a skateboard?!" Josh gasped as he pointed to my skateboard behind me.
I turned around and furrows my eyebrows.
So I did. "Um y-yeah" I stuttered again as I turned to him.
He grinned and sat down on my bed looking at me.
Then I realised why, he was waiting for me to play the song.
I gulped nodding and took deep breaths as I sat down on my keyboard I had in my room and closed my eyes, my fingers poised over the keys. But no sound came from either the keyboard or my mouth.
I just sat there like a statue with my eyes closed as I took deep breaths.
"Do you need the lyrics?" Josh asked from behind me making me jump as his voice pierced through the fog that was beginning to set in my mind.
I shook my head and finally opened my eyes.
I let my hands flow around the keyboard as I began to play, sucking in another breath before I let the words roll out of my mouth.

I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known, by you
I wanna be known, by you

I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known, by you
I wanna be known, by you

Though I'm weak
And Beaten down
I'll slip away
Into the sound
The ghost of you
Is close to me
I'm inside out
You're underneath

It was getting to much, the next line of words wouldn't leave my mouth as my body shook. Tears spilt as the meaning of the song hit me like a brick.
"Ty you don't have to" Josh whispered, I think he to realised the meaning of this song, I don't know, did he?
"No" I whispered and closed my eyes for a brief second taking a deep breath before opening them again.

I've got two faces
Blurry's the one I'm not
I've got two faces
Blurry's the one I'm not
I need your help to
Take him out
I need your help to
Take him out

Though I'm weak
And beaten down
I'll slip away
Into the sound
The ghost of you
Is close to me
I'm inside out
You're underneath

Though I'm weak
And beaten down
I'll slip away
Into the sound
The ghost of you
Is close to me
I'm inside out
You're underneath

Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone
Don't let me be gone

Then I felt the anger that I felt re surface when I first wrote this song and took a deep breath before screaming the next part of the song.

Don't let me be!
Don't let me be!


I stopped screaming as I grew more confident. I was going to finish this song for Josh. I picked up my voice as I sang.

I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I'm a goner
Somebody catch my breath
I wanna be known by you
I wanna be known
by you

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