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Before leaving the work, Harry considers for a bit Nick's offer to stay with him for the rest of the day and eat ice-cream while watching chick flicks. It would be nice to have a lazy day with Nick, because it's been too long since just two of them properly hang out and he kind of misses him. He misses Nick's joke and stupid stories that make no sense.

He has been under so much stress lately, although he would never admit it to anyone. Exams are coming up and he really should start studying but between university and work, he has no time at all, not even for himself. He is gaining weight and it's frustrating, because he can't do much about it. Even Niall noticed it and pointed out that he has love handles now, he sometimes pokes him and Harry just slap his hands away and tells him to stop. On top of that, Niall is stressing him out because he isn't sure that Niall is even looking for a job and he thought he made it very clear to Niall that they can't afford the place.

He is half way done with mopping the floor, when Barbara tells him to change and go home. He tries and protest but she just shushes him.

Barbara has been so kind to him and he is more than grateful to have her as his boss. If it was somebody else, they would probably fire him if he begged them if he could take more hours. But she even told him that he can take the leftover pastries. It's mostly because she pities him, he thinks.

After he changed into his normal shirt (which technically is Nick's, which he picked up from his clothes this morning), Barbara waits him with a bag and pay check for a week. He thanks her before going off.

When he walks in their apartment, Niall is already waiting for him. He looks freshly showered, his hair is still damp and he is only wearing sweatpants that hang too low on his hips, and Harry tries hard and completely fails not to stare. But when he notices small purple marks on his neck and collarbone, he tears his eyes off Niall's torso.

He is jealous, of the people who were intimate with Niall, who got to see Niall at his most vulnerable, who got to touch him, trace their fingers along his sides, made him whimper when they kissed his pale thighs, who know how he looks like when he is reaching his high, moaning and begging for release. He feels bad for thinking of Niall in such way because Niall is a friend and only a friend.

He is sad but that's okay. He will be happy as long as Niall is happy because Niall's happiness is everything to him, it means more to him than his own. He is willing to neglect his feelings for Niall, because losing Niall as a friend would hurt a lot more.

"Hi," he says as he settles a plastic bag on the kitchen counter in front of Niall.

"I'm starving," Niall tells him as he starts to dig through the bag, probably trying to find  cinnamon rolls, since they are his favorite (and Harry makes sure he saves at least one, so he can bring it home to Niall).

"Have you eaten anything?" Niall shakes his head and answers with a mouth full, "No, we have nothing."

"I'm pretty sure we have something to eat," he says more to himself than to Niall. He's been grocery shopping last week, there is no way they have nothing. He turns around and opens the fridge. He sighs when he sees they have nothing but few condiments, a jar of pickles and orange juice. He opens cupboards then and finds roman noodles and cereal. At least something, he thinks. "We have noodles," he says, showing them to Niall.

"That's tonight's dinner," says Niall.

"Um, have you found anything?" He switches subject, not wanting to think how sad it is they barely have money to buy food. "Job wise?"

He nods his head like a little kid, "Well, sort of, I was just reading something but I think it might work." He pulls a phone from his pocket, searches something and then shows it to Harry.

Harry blinks. It has to be a joke, there is no way in hell that he is serious about that. Harry looks up from the screen to properly look at Niall. He isn't laughing nor smiling, he looks... serious.

"For real?" Harry asks, not quite believing Niall.

"Yeah," Niall takes the phone from him to type something else, "Before you came, I was reading this." And then shows his phone again, only this time wikiHow page is opened.

"Niall, I don't think wikiHow is going to help you find a sugar daddy."


little disclaimer: i am not sure how uni works in uk, so any false info about it is my mistake (bc i can't be bothered to google it lol). same with apartments and prices in london

i'm sorry this is late, i was busy

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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