pt. 3

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I waited patiently for about 20 minutes for 'jacob' to get there, he was literally the last one to class.

since he was new to the school our teacher told him to introduce himself, "Um... my name is Jacob Sartorius and i like chocolate milk" then he sat back down.

our teacher wanted us to fill out an 'all about ___" *insert your partners name* and of course our teacher made us work with the person beside us.

i was actually pretty excited because jacob seemed nice, and not to mention he was  actually attractive.

whenever we finished our sheets we got to know each other a whole lot better.

he is pretty nice.

i think i like this kid.

||3 hours later||

it was lunch time and we had to sit with our homeroom, which I usually dreaded, but not this year, since me and Jacob knew each other pretty well we sat together. i can't lie, i like jacob, and i think he likes me back, but i don't know yet.

|| end of school ||

i ran up to Jacob before he left, "hey, uh Jacob can I get your number, just in ca–" he cuts me off, "yeah sure! text me tonight, hopefully we can do something" he said blushing. well.

me and jacob were walking the same direction so I asked him where he lived. "I live in Mossbury Forrest, what about you?" surprised i said, "what a coincidence, i live there too... lit lit lit" instantly regretting it. goddammit allison you're really fucking embarrassing, i said in my head.

he laughed, and we continued walking home.

when we finally got to our neighborhood Jacob walked to his house, which was across the street from mine and waved goodbye, of course i waved back and went inside.

|| 30 minutes pass ||

since it was the first day of school we had no homework, so i had nothing to do. i was just sitting in my room staring at the four walls when i got a text, assuming it was Jacob i took my phone off my night stand and immediately went to messages.

unknown number: hello, i have no friends.

me: awh poor little dude

unknown caller: you do know this is Jacob, right?


i changed the contact to 'jacob👧🏿'

Jacob: im very sorry i didn't mean to startle you like that

me: yeah, ok interesting. anywho, whatcha doin homeslice?

jacob: the usual; nothing. what about you?

me: im texting you, what else? do you want to come over because my parents won't be home till 9:30.

Jacob: sounds great, I'll be there in 4 minutes.

me: well take a little longer why don't you *sarcasm, again*

Jacob arrived to my house 5 minutes later.

I opened the door.

"op! look who's late!" i yelled sarcastically

"say it a little louder so the other half of the world can hear you. just let me in, you shit" jacob said in a disgusted/sarcastic tone, looking around frantically.

"fine, but don't be rude to a queen, there's consequences" i said politely lifting my nose in the air.

Jacob, who was in front of me walking up the stairs —like I told him to— turned around, "wait, where's the queen at?" he said in a puzzled tone.

i looked at him disgusted, "this is an outrage, don't disrespect a queen in her own palace!"

Jacob rolled his eyes while laughing, and i continued walking up the stairs.

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