Chapter One

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The pain is sweat worthy. For no reason I just randomly woke up yeasterday with pain coursing through my body. My straight black hair sticks to my face where sweat pools from my pores. I moan with pain. Mum walks in. She seems so calm. Surely she's gonna take me to the doctor?
No such luck. She's carrying a plate of raw meat?
"Eat up,"she encourages. What the hell? I shake my head.
She frowns. Then she does something I didn't expect she forces it down my throat. Even weirder is that the raw meat was good. The salty metallic taste fills my mouth and hunger takes over me. Soon I'm wolfing down the unexpected dish and within seconds the plate is empty. I can feel blood dribbling down my chin.
"What the hell is happening to me?" I say with shock heating my words. My whole body trembles. Tears pour down my face. The crying and food soon lulls me into an intoxicating sleep.
I wake up to sweet nothingness. No pain. No sweat. Just peace -and a plate of raw meat waiting for me on the table. I glance at the meat with insecurity. To eat or to not eat that is the question. Oh God. Now I'm making Shakespeare references. Maybe I'm still sick? Mum walks in with a smile on her face. Dad enters as well.
"Happy sixteenth birthday,"he smiles.
I almost forgot.
"Thanks,"I grin. Wow I can't believe it! My sweet sixteen.
"Is Layla coming over?" I ask. Layla has been my best friend since I was twelve.
Mum shakes her head. "No but I've invited some family members over," she grins. Family? Mum has refused to let me meet any other family members for years.
"Get ready sweetie they'll be here soon," dad instructs.
Uneasiness sinks down into my stomach. Their acting like I was never outrageously sick. Smiles are plastered on their faces. As they leave I reluctantly hop out of bed. Woah! I didn't realise how long I haven't shaved for. My legs are covered in black hairs. I shudder in disgust before hopping in the shower. When my legs are nice and gone of hair I grab my hairdryer and switch it on.
HOLEY MOTHER OF GOD! My hair is streaked with flame orange. What the hell?  

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