Chapter Three

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'Ahahah! Can you see their faces!! This is hillrious!'
My mucles tense and soon a familiar tingle rushes up my arms. Mum rushes foward grabbing a blanket on the way. Shifting the second time isn't painful just tingles. Mum wraps the blanket just in time for me to be in my full human state. Lucky because I only just realised that my dress  and underwear are lying in tatters on the ground. I pull the blanket tight around me and blush.
The tribe murmurs to each other.
"Em do you realise what you are?" Mum asks.
"A were cat?"
"Well yes,but your a were black panther! They're the rarest most powerful were. We havn't seen one in just under forty years!"
My head is spinning.
"I think that's enough information for today. Why don't you go to your room and start packing,"Veronica smiles.
"Pack for what?!" I ask.
"We're moving into the tribe's apartment block our family all grew up there but we thought it might be nice to grow up as a normal teenager,"Dad explains. Whhhhattt!
"Look sweetie it's been a long day,why don't you go to bed instead. We'll worry about moving tommorow," Mum smiles. I nod and slowly make my way up the stairs. My whole body and head is spinning. I feel like I'm going to throw up. I collapse on the bed. I will my self to stand up and get changed before climbing inbetween my blankets.
"Wake up sweetheart,"mums voice rings in my ears. My eyes snap open. My whole room has been packed away apart from my bed and a pile of clothes on the ground.
"I'm suprised you slept through the movers,"Mum smirks.
"Hhahahha,come on you. Get dressed. There's gonna be a  breakfast at Veronicas flat. The whole tribe is going to be there,"she explains. I sigh.
"Goodbye house,"I mutter.
I can't believe that in all of twenty-four hours my whole life has changed. I'm moving from a nice big house to some flat ,I've gone from a human to a were and apparently I'm one of the rarest-great.

When I finnaly climb out of the car I gasp. The flats are crap. I can see the grime climbing up the walls from a mile away. There's five houses all in a row then lots of land stretching out. Is this really happening?
The moving van pulls up behind us.
Veronica steps out of one of the houses. And helps mum and dad bring their stuff into Veronicas house. A man about the same age as Veronica and a younger man step out of the house. The younger dude shakes my hand once I'm out of the car.
"Josiah Dan, Son of chief Veronica and Derick. Heir to lead the tribe. You are?" The guy says.
"Ember Jackson," I reply.
I'm guessing he's around thirty.
"Daughter of?"
"Oh Kameron and Deliah. We're new here. Well I am anyway."
"Ahhhh you. You are living in my parents house. Your mother and mine are quite close. Same goes for our father's,"he smiles. When he smiles I notice his yellow cat eyes.
All of a sudden a really energetic girl with brown hair and pink streaks comes bounding out of one of the houses. When she reaches me she smiles the biggest ever smile.
"Hi I'm Gwen! It's so cool that you're here! Nothing exciting has happened in ages! Hey how come you don't have cat pupils? Why are your irises purple? Most of us have yellow or green eyes. I over heard the adults saying that your a panther. Maybe that's why? Did you know that panthers are like really powerful? Im just a plain ol' lion like most of us. Why didn't your family live with the rest of us when they had you? Have you shifted for the first time yet?" She says quite fast.
"Wooah! Show pony slow down! She only just found out she's a were let's not confuse her!" A male voice that is definatly not recognisable rings out. A hand appears on Gwens shoulder. I look up to discover green eyes and Sandy blonde hair.
"Hey I'm Jack. Like Gwen said it's cool to have someone new around. Being the only teenage guy gets boring," he smiles.
"Ember,"I say. "Only teenage guy?"
"Yeah all the others were-never mind,"his eyes go dark.
They light up again when I try a small smile.
"I'll leave you kids to it. Don't forget breakfast is in half an hour,"Josiah smiles. He walks away leaving me with Gwen and Jack.
"Yum breakfast,"Gwen grins. "Can't wait."
"You wanna meet my sister?" Jack asks. I shrug and follow him to one of the houses.
Out of the corner of my eye I can see Dad and mum bringing boxes of stuff into my new home.

"This is Pheboe,"Jack smirks. Sitting by a tree listoning to loud music and drawing is a teenage girl who looks eerily similar to Jack. She obviously doesn't hear us or register that we are there because she carries on sketching. I study her. She has the same blonde hair with cyan swirling through her short curls as Jack but gold eyes instead of green. Jack pats her shoulder. She looks up and glares. Taking her headphones out She starts to speak,
"Jack what do y-"
"Pheboe meet Ember, Ember meet Pheboe,"Jack interrupts with a grin. Pheboe looks like she could murdur him.
'Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!" My were giggles. 'You know what call me Kat. Hahahahahha.'
My were or should I say Kat, is crazy.
'Hmmm,that Jack is quite yummy though'
'Shut up Kat,'I think.
'I'm hurt'
'You should be, now shut up.'
"Yo Ember,get your head out of the clouds I just asked you a question,"Pheboe complains.
"Sorry what was it?"I hurriedly ask.
"Ya wanna go eat breakfast now?" Gwen says cutting Pheboe short.
"Sure,"I say. Things seem to be going okay. I mean Gwen and Jack are nice.
'Especially Jack'

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