Chapter Four

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Jack leads me out to some park benches outside my new house. Some adults are lolling around on them and the kids are laughing together on the grass.
Three littlies come running up to me. The smallest two both have ginger hair and cute little brown eyes.
"That's April and Samuel," Jack says.
We sit down at a table where four plates are piled with bacon and sausages are waiting for us.
Gwen comes and sits next to me with Phoebe opposite me next to Jack.
Adults start to fill up the other tables.
"This is a large," I clear my throat, "tribe."
"Not really. We're one of the smallest. Ever since... never mind," Gwen trails off.
"Ever since what?" I ask.
"Nothing. We're not really supposed to talk about it," Gwen says quickly.
I frown in confusion.
A scream rings in the air.
A little girl runs into the picnic area. Her blonde hair is coming out of her braid and her dress is muddy.
"WEREWOLVES!" She screams.
'Oh crap'
The adults all stand up and turn into the were form. They roar in union.
Pheboe stands up and races towards the little kids table and gets them all out of their chairs. I watch as they run towards the closest house. She rushes back out and grabs the still screaming kid who gave us the warning. Jack comes to his senses and turns into his lion form and joins the other cats racing towards the wolves. I'm left dumbstruck with Gwen.
She grabs my arm and we start racing towards the kids house.
Gwen turns into a Bob cat.
'Switcharoodle time'
My body starts to tingle and soon I'm in panther mood.
All of a sudden I'm on the ground.
There's a wolf snarling over me.
It's a white wolf. Tied into its fur is a braid with a feather on the end. I struggle in the wolves grip. It howls loudly.
The other wolves howl in response. They start rushing towards me. Some start changing into human form. They don't seem to care that they are nude. Most of them are males though. I avert my eyes.
I know that I have no hope now.
I look up into the blue eyes of the Wolf and I relax.
A large grey wolf pads up to us and sniffs me. She nods towards one of the human were wolves. He's carrying a blanket in his hands and he passes it to the wolf. The wolf turns into a strong muscley woman. She wraps the blanket around herself and peers down at me.
"Good job Sapphire. Tie her up,"
She praises.
Fear pounds in my heart as a guy grabs a rope and starts tieing me up.
Why aren't the others coming to help me?
In no time at all my legs are tied.
The next thing I know I feel myself start to yawn. My eyes droop.
"Nightie night," Sapphire says.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2017 ⏰

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