Chapter 1

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"O, what's the problem?"

"About 25 people with guns and knifes."

Nightwing sighed. The warehouse was filled with armed men. They had a bio hazard from Wayne Bio loading into a truck.

"It showtime. Nightwing said jumping into the skylight of the building.

The glass easy shattered and the robbers looked up drawing the weapons. Nightwing hit the first guy easily in the head with his foot. From there he stomped on the next guys head. Argh one of of them said drawing a knife. "Hey that's not fair"he said to the robber who charged at him. Quicker then flash( ayyy puns intended) he grabbed one of his eskrima sticks and evaded his attack bashing his head.

"Anyone else want to fight me or a ya scared?"

The men back up. "I'll fight you amigo!" A voice from behind him boomed.

'Oh no' Dick though and turned around. "Bane" he said "what a pleasure to see you."

Bane wasn't  much taller then Nightwing but with all his muscle he looked like a monster. " Were is batman is he being a little cobarde?"(coward). Bane laughed.

"No, but your men are!" Nightwing sneered, holding up one of his Eskima sticks.

"Honestly niñito (boy) these aren't my men, these are." He smirked, and the warehouse door opened to show men in armor and heavy guns.

Bane turned to his men "me dieron nuevas órdenes de la liga. matar a todos y cada uno"(i got new orders from the league. kill anyone and everyone)

Banes's men started to open fire on the stealer. One of Bane's men grabbed the bio hazard. Nightwing ran after him but Bane stopped him.

"You have to go through me fangirl adolescente" (teenage fangirl) Bane chuckled.

Nightwing jumped,in the air, and swung his leg towards Bane's head, kicking the side of his head.

Bane laughed, turning his head to the side, a cracking noise soon followed. "Is that all amigo?"

Nightwing got up and threw both of his Eskima staffs at his head electrocuting him.But he barely flinched. Grabbing one of Nightwing's eskima sticks, ripping it out of his hand, and curshed it in his basketball sized fist.

"Oh come on! These are brand new!" Nightwing complained.He only received a grunt from Bane.

Nightwing started getting sloppy with his fighting, throwing random punches and kicks, praying to would do something. Bane laughed and uppercutted Dick. The sheer force knocked him into the air.

"Say your famous last words Robbie!" As Nightwing hit the ground and Bane's fist above him. Before he could hit a blade went through Bane he coughed out blood and fell to the ground, causing some of the concrete floor to break up. Before passing out Dick muttered one word


Yo it's the Ultimate side of this dual account. This is a new book that we made I just want to see if u like it or nah. Leave a comment on how to make this book better and I will gladly take the compliment
Also the book won't be this short of chapters this is just a start so thanks so much for the support with this account

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