Chapter 9

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Dick walked down a dark hallway with 3 of Ra's Guards by his side.

"We're here" Ra's said coldly. The door opened to show what looked like a giant dome. Swinging All around where trapeze bars.

"Ha Dick laughed this is my strong suit."

Ra's looked darkly at Dick and said

"I know thats the point just make it across and watch out for ninjas."

Just like that Ra's dispersed from thin air. Dick gulped and saw where the ending. On the ground was spikes that could kill him and so he started.

The second he grabbed one of the bars ninjas jumped from the air. Nightwing propelled himself up with the bar and kicked him in the stomach and watched him fall to his death. Dick grabbed another bar and right when he put his hand on it snapped.

"I've done my research on you Grayson I was there when i saw the flying Graysons become the Grounded Graysons.

Dick who was hanging there by just one thread threw himself head butting a ninja while doing that.

He launched into bar where he thrusted him forward onto the small platform raising his arms up like gymnastics. "You failed Ra's."

"Hmph" Ra's mumbled as the ropes snapped and the ninjas falling to there doom.

"Are you ready for round 2 Grayson?"


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