Gonna Get Better

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A.N : In this story Camila and Lauren have been dating for 4 years. They been dating throughout college life. Camila is the daughter of Alejandro Cabello who is the CEO of Cabello Interprise. Lauren just an average person. Alejandro wants Camila to married to one of his business partner's son that own Mahone Corporate, who is Austin Mahone. In this story Camila is 23, Lauren 24. On with the stories. 

I'm not gonna leave you now
Oh, I know it's gon' get better
I'm not gonna leave you now
Oh, I know it's gon' get better
I won't leave you for a money man
No matter what we go through
I'm not gonna leave you now
Oh, I know it's gon' get better

Lauren POV

"Let's face it, Camz you're dad never approve with our relationship. You will have so much better with that Mahone dude than I am. I can't give you anything you want instantly. He's loaded with money and you stuck with me. I'm just an average person"I sigh then sit down on the couch of my medium size apartment. Camila pinch the bridge of her nose to prevent the incoming headache. For the couple of months we've been arguing the same thing after Camila told me that her dad ask her to married Austin Mahone the son to one of her father business partner. 

Camila sigh and dust her black skirt then sit down beside me. She grab my right hand rub her thumb over my knuckle. That gesture alone sooth me. "Why can't you understand that I care about you. Just because my dad told me to married him, doesn't mean I'm gonna drop you and run to him. Besides, I don't know him"she said to me with caring voice. I drop her hand and stand up. I look away quickly when I see hurt across her face. I pace infront of her and grab my hair. I can feel the frustration crawling. "Just marry him, Camz and forget about me. I'm not good enough in your dad eyes. I don't make money as much as he does. He clearly can treat you better and make you happy on the long run. I don't know if what we have is right now worth to fight for anymore"I said to her with unshed tears and crack voice. I tried to hold my tears back. 

Then I can feel my right cheek hurt and my ear ringing. I just realise that Camila just smack me. I tighten my jaw to numb the pain. I look at her and she's freely crying now. Oh how I wish to hold her right now but I know I'm the cause of that tears. "Don't you ever dare to said that again, Lauren. We've been through so much. You said back then when I first told you about this Austin situation, you said we'll get past this. You won't leave me. Now, you want me to throw away our relationship like it don't matter just because he has money more than you and my dad approve him not you? That just low, Lauren"Camila said and sitting down on the floor hugging her legs to her chest.

I kneel infront of her. I hug her and she automatically wrap her arms around my waist. "What do want me to say, Camz? I'm tired fighting with your dad that I know I won't be able to win. Remember back then when you come out to your dad that you dating me when clearly he doesn't know that you're bisexual?"I ask her and she nodded her head on my chest. I took a deep breath and close my eyes. "I remember you run away from home and snuck into my apartment. You don't tell you dad where you're going and when he find you, the accusing me that I change you. He drag you home and forbid you to ever see me again. Almost everyday you argue with your dad at the day and crying on the phone at night when you spoke to me. It hurt my hear, Camz that you're relationship with your dad being strain just because of me. I just want you to be happy. And if letting you go is the only answer so your relationship with your dad smooth sail, I'm willing to do so"I said then kiss the top of Camila head.

I help her stood up and she still cling to me like I was her lifeline. Maybe I am at the past but right now I just wanna Camz be happy. Finally she let me go and look at me. "I'm not gonna give up that easily, Lo. I'll will talk to my dad and fight for us. I won't let you go"She said to me then collect all of the things. I grab her wrist for the last time and smile at her. "If you care about me, Camz be happy. Just do what your dad told you. I don't wanna make a big strain between you and your dad. I'm not worth to fighting for"I said to her and let go of her hand. Camila circle her arms around my neck, "I love you and I'm not gonna leave you now. It's gonna get better, Lo"she kiss my lips softly and pull back. She walk out from my apartment with determination in every step she take. 

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