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A.N : Continuation from my previous story "Change The Bad Boy". This is the part 2 out of 3. In this story Lawrence is a Senior and Camila a Junior. They been dating for almost 1 and half year. Normani is the same year as Lawrence. Dinah is the same year as Camila and Ally already graduated but still on break before entering the university. This how the story goes.


Do you have a moment? Boy we need a talk
It's a conversation that's been coming on, oh

Camila barge into Lawrence room unannounced. "Camila, what the hell?"Exclaim Lawrence while pulling his plain black tee covering his chest. "We need to talk, Lawrence"Camila told with annoyed tone. "Talk about what exactly?"Lawrence shot back. "Don't tell me you forgot what happen two days ago"Camila take a deep breath as her eyes filled with her tears. "Oh, you mean about me fucking Ariana?"Lawrence smirk up as he tied his black worn out converse.

"Where are you going?"Camila wipe harshly the rebel tears that rolling down her cheeks. "Camz, I'm a senior now. Today is our last week before finals. I need to blow off some steams"Lawrence inform Camila as he grab his favourite leather jacket and descend the stairs. "Oh, by blowing steams means you gonna have sex with other girls that not me?"Camila shout as Lawrence slump his shoulder and turn around.

Lawrence grabs Camila shoulders and throw her his smile that long time ago make Camila putty in his hands. "Camz, baby. I know you not ready yet and I can't force you to do it with me if you aren't ready but you know how and who I am before you date me. You sign up for this"Lawrence look at Camila. "But why? Why you always hurt me? You know I love you, right?"Camila ask Lawrence as sobs wrecking her body.

"I do, Camz. I really do. I loved you too"Lawrence told her. "Loved? As in past tense?"Camila knitted her eyebrows and she can hear her heart breaking. "Look Camila, this past 1 and half year had been fun but we're going nowhere with this. Soon I'll be graduated and could be move to different states. You know I don't date and with our distances, I don't think I can do long distance"Lawrence told Camila the truth.

"But-but you dated me"Camila wipe her runny nose with the back of her hand and look at Lawrence with red swollen eyes. "I did. I tried, Camila. I really did tried. Don't get me wrong, I'd loved you once but I can't change who I am. You know that"Lawrence look down and he sigh. He hate making Camila cried let alone broke her heart but Lawrence has no other choice. As long as they dated, Lawrence had been unfaithful to Camila and the guilt killed him inside. One afternoon when luck wasn't on his side, Camila catches him while he fucked Ariana on his bed.

"You can, Lo. I see it time to time. You gotta believe in yourself like I believe in you. I still do"Camila in the verge of begging so Lawrence won't break up with her. "I'm sorry, Camila but I think this is for the best"Lawrence pick up his car keys and twist the handle for his front door. "Lo?"Camila called out Lawrence. "Yes, Camila?"Lawrence shout back. "Ca-ca-can you drop me off at Dinah before you go god knows where?"Camila ask Lawrence with wavering voice.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go"Replied Lawrence with low voice that Camila has to strain her ears to catches it. Truth to be told, Lawrence heart breaking too but with his unfaithfulness and he can't tied down to one girl, he can't hurt Camila more that he already done. They slide to Lawrence car and Lawrence drive Camila to Dinah house. "Here we are"Lawrence said as he grip the steering wheel until both of his knuckles turn white. He stare forward to the empty street. He clench his jaws to hold the tears that threaten to fall.

"I'm so so sorry, Camila. It must end this way"Lawrence wipe harshly and his face blush because he embarrass Camila catches him crying. "I know. Lo?"Camila turn her head and look at Lawrence expectantly. "Yeah?"Lawrence still look ahead. He didn't have the guts to look into the pair of chocolate eyes he once loved. Still do Lawrence told himself. "Can I umm can I kissed you for the last time?"Camila inquire.

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