Chapter One|| Bye World

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As the tide washed in, the Dutch Tulip Man faced the ocean: “Conjoiner rejoinder poisoner concealer revelator. Look at it, rising up and rising down, taking everything with it.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Water,” the Dutchman said. “Well, and time.”

— PETER VAN HOUTEN, An Imperial Affliction.

This may be the third time, I read The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. Books are something that always left me craving for more, whenever a book finished, I wanted more and more and then way more. I couldn’t satisfy myself with an ending of a good book. However The Fault In Our Stars, both of the main die. And there is a sad ending. I’ve always hated sad endings, because I can’t bear pain, well I can bear my own pain but when it comes to the others, I just don’t like to see others in pain. Yet, this book captured me into a big mess of emotions leading me to re-reading  the third time.

No surprise it is the multi-million worldwide bestseller. Every John Green's books never cease to amaze me. Looking For Alaska; Paper Town; Will Grayson, Will Grayson; An Abundance Of Katherine's; Let It Snow and of course The Fault In Our Stars.

Suddenly my reading session or maybe my digging into thoughts is interrupted with the a loud truck’s sound, I let a small of annoyance, knowing this will go to waiting list.

After getting up, I walk to my window, glancing at my street urging to find out the reason of the noise. Whereby is the Torreto's Moving Transport aka TMT, what simply means, I have neighbor.

I don’t exactly know how to feel about this, I am used to loneness, I haven’t had a neighbor in ages. I assume I am not obligated to interact with him/her/them? Well, I hope not, not that I am some social freak, just don’t lead well with new people.

I sigh, hearing the truck’s honk. This is going to be a long day, I can tell.


It takes a lot of, first patience and years of training to ignore any sound an human can provide, including voices. So for the rest of the day with the help of my earphones along with mine incredible ability to ignore, I manage to block the noise that my dear neighbor is causing.

I won’t say I hate noise because that’s an understatement, noise comes from people, and I don’t like being near people. Simply because—

The bell rings, again. Interrupting me, I frown, since the only person who comes here is my sister Riley, who has the keys. Maybe she forgot them, I thought to myself as I make my way downstairs, then towards the front door.

I opened the door, and then warn her, “Riley if you are trying to convince me to buy the hoe’s dress I swear I will shove a knife through your—” I stop talking.


This is not Riley.

It takes me a minute to realize, it’s not my older sister and in fact it’s a male figure aka a man, using a worth Gucci suit, I have seen in one of my uncle’s ‘family dinner.’ His blond hair all stuck behind by gel yet there are few locks falling on his forehead, that I weirdly had the urge to arrange. His blue eyes stare at me with awe, his lips slightly part into a form of ‘O.’ I frown, he is looking at me as if I was a diamond or something.

“I think—” I was stopped by bone-crushing hug, the man hugged me as if his life depend on this, I felt weirdly comfortable with this hug. Well, I guess this must be a costume from he came from.

“Oh, okay buddy, you can let me go now.” He inhales my scent and I frown, not only because that’s 100% weird but also because I strangely enjoyed it. What’s wrong with me?

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