Chapter Two - The Beginning

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“FIONA! RUN!” my mom screams while she picks my brother up, who has lost consciousness. His head is bleeding.

“Why, mommy?” I ask while I try to run after her.

“They’re here!” she says with panic in her voice.

“Who are here, mommy? Where’s daddy?”


“Vampires? What are vampires? Why are they here? Mommy, not so fast!”

I try to keep up with my mom but she is running too fast, my little legs can’t keep up with her and in seconds she is out of my sight with my brother.

“MOMMY! DADDY!” I scream while tears well up in my eyes and panic is making its way through my body.

“Well, hello there, little girl.” A low voice says behind me.

A scream comes through my lips while I turn around to see the owner of the voice. 

A tall, pale and absolutely scary man looks at me with his dark eyes and I whimper under his stare. “W-who are you?”

“I’m Johann, king of the vampires. What is your name, sweetheart?”

“F-Fiona, sir.”

“Are you scared of me, Fiona?” he asks while getting down to my height.

“Y-yes, sir.”

“That’s good. It’s good that you’re scared of me. But I’m going to make sure that when you grow up, you will not be scared of me anymore. You’re going to be a strong girl, maybe strong enough to be my sons queen when he’s going to be king. Do you want to be a princess, Fiona?” I open my mouth to answer his question but my dad’s voice interrupts us.

“LEAVE HER ALONE, YOUR MONSTER!” In seconds Johann turns from the creepy but nice man into a scary creature and suddenly tears stream down my face. I turn to my dad, his face is painted with blood and his eyes are full with anger.

“DADDY!” I scream while I run to my dad, but the vampire lifts me up, his nails digging into my skin.
Fear and panic are making its way through my body and more tears fall down.

“Fiona!” my dad screams while he runs to the vampire and me. “Let her go. Your nasty vampire.” my dad snaps angrily at the man.

“She isn’t for me! She is for my son!” the vampire growls with a powerful voice and rolls his eyes as if calling my dad dramatic.

“You can’t claim her! She is just seven! Put her down and fight!”

“Daddy!” I scream again, while trying to free myself.

“As you wish, human” The vampire says while he puts me down. “I will be right back, little girl.”

He walks towards my dad, like a predator stalking it’s prey.

“Fiona! Run!”

“But daddy--“


I nod, turning around and run as fast as I can.

“Fine. If I don’t get the girl for now, you’re going to take her place.” The vampire says before I hear glass breaking.

I turn around, to see that my dad and the vampire are gone. “Daddy! Daddy!”


“Fiona! Wake up.” Somebody shakes my body violently and with heavy breathing I open up my eyes.
Immediately, they’re locked in Scarlett’s worried eyes. “Hey, it was just a dream, okay? Nothing happened, there are no supernatural creatures here and everything is fine.”

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