Chapter 1

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Here's chapter 1.. this story will basically be how team crafted came to be and the story of truelox (mostly truelox..), bashdil40, and merome..


Ty/Deadlox ~

Hell... more commonly known as High School..

Theres the different groups of people.. Adam.. aka Sky.. is popular. He tells the other guys what to do..

Mitch and Jerome sit in the library reading most of the time.. They never stop talking about the Hunger Games..

Martin... who everyone calls Bodil.. is the Troll of the school.. leaving pranks in peoples lockers and on teachers desks.

Then theres the other groups.. like the cheerleaders.. aka Barbies.

Dawn (i know her real name is Rachael or something like that but in dis story her real name is Dawn.) is the leader of that group.. Shes dating Adam.. I only have one thing to say about that group.. They're so fake.. Barbie is jealous of them.

And then theres me.. The loner.. Everyone calls me emo just because of my hair...

I sometime wish I could just die..

Jason/Truemu ~

A new city, a new home, new friends.. Eh.. I got out of bed and got ready for school. I walked to school, not bothering to eat breakfast. I walked into the school and got my schedule and headed to my locker and then to my class. I immediately noticed a boy in the back sitting by himself. The teacher quickly rushed towards me.

"Hello!! What's your name!!" She yelled.

"No need to yell in my ear... Im not deaf.." I mumbled. "Im Jason.."

"Hi Jason you can sit by Ty way back there!!! I am Mrs. Bassett by the way!"

(I named the teacher after this teacher i had one time who always yelled..)

"Okay.. You can stop yelling.. My hearing is fine.. atleast it was until you started yelling.." The class laughed quietly.

"Oh Im sorry!!!" She yelled/replied. I went to the back and sat down next to the boy. I noticed that he was drawing a creeper. I got out a piece of paper and wrote: You like minecraft too? And i put the paper on his desk.


I noticed Jason put a paper on my desk.. I read it and wrote back: Yeah..

We passed notes the whole class until the bell rang.

I got up and Jason asked, "What class do you have next?" I looked at his schedule.

"We have the same classes."

I finally made a friend..


Well that was chapter 1..

I originally had something else in mind for this but i like this much better :D

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I hope you guys like this..

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