Meet the Team #1: VanillaCaramelLatte

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Here's the interview for our admin, VanillaCaramelLatte!

She's the writer of Recovering Our Own, an AMAZING fantasy story that you should all go and read right now! Votes and feedback are appreciated!

All rights reserved!

Before people, there were Primum. They ruled this world, the dominant species of Earth, and coexisted peacefully with the humans. But, the people grew afraid of their Abilities and drove them away into a small group of forgotten islands. Eventually, they were forgotten. This whole time they have spent plotting their revenge. And now, the time has come.

The Recovery is beginning.

Check the rest out in this link!:

Now, here's the interview!

1. What do you love about writing?

What I love about writing is that I can make anything happen that I want to happen. There are no limits, no rules, no nothing. I am not bound, I am not restricted. 

2. When did you start writing? 

I started writing when I was very little. Ever since I learned to make letters, pretty much, I've been writing stories. Not that they were necessarily good stories or anything, but...

3. Are your stories or your characters based on people you know?

There are some elements of my stories based on conversations I have with my friends and things. I also tend to sprinkle inside jokes throughout my writing. Some of the more dramatic events in my realistic fiction writing are based of real things, for example my own embarrassing experiences or struggles. And most of my characters are loosely based off of real people... I'd like to challenge all my friends to try to find themselves in my stories! (both Wattpad and irl friends) 

4. What books did you enjoy reading most in and out of Wattpad?

Well, Harry Potter of course. I also love Scott Westerfeld books, my favorite of his so far is Afterworlds. This summer I read 172 Hours on The Moon, which is extremely creepy and twisted but that author is an absolute genius. I also just finished Me Being Me is Exactly as Insane as You Being You, by Todd Hasak-Lowy, which I recommend. It has sort of a John Green style but seems to me like something that would be awesome on Wattpad (it's a novel in lists). On Wattpad I liked Melody by , 100 voicemails, works by and many others.

5. Do you get support inside Wattpad?

Inside Wattpad I do get support from my amazing readers who I love. Few but powerful! Thank you to everyone who reads my books and puts up with my mistakes and changes and all that. I love you guys!

6. What else do you enjoy doing apart from writing?

Apart from writing I enjoy spending time with my friends, playing piano and cello, knitting, being crafty and doing diys, listening to music, and general fangirling.

7. What is the best piece of advise you could give to new writers?

The best piece of advice I have for new writers is to never stop writing. I'm serious. On the bus, when your bored, at lunch, between classes, in the car, while that one boring teacher is talking on and on and on... okay maybe not the last one, even though I maybe do that a little more than I should. Every idea have potential, so write it down. And don't let people discourage you. Oh, and remember to do your homework first, then write. Unless you just got a really good idea or inspiration. Then you should write it down Asap and still make sure to finish your homework.

8. What inspired you to write Recovering Our Own?

The idea for Recovering Our Own sort of just popped into my brain one day, I'm not really sure why or how. But I think part of it was just me thinking how cool it would be to have magical tattoos and stuff like that.

VanillaCaramelLatte is a very talented, young author, and I can almost guarantee you that you will find her book, Recovering Our Own very interesting and filled with action! 



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