Interview #2: PinkPrincess1204

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Third place winner of the Fantasy Wonders Competition!

1. When did you first start writing?

I began writing just this year (2016) at around second week of April. The first book I wrote was entitled The Promise and after months of writing, I unpublished it since no one was reading. I'm already at the 12th chapter at that time and the reads didn't even hit 100. I am really frustrated and kept asking myself what went wrong, I even began thinking that my story was boring or maybe writing is not really for me. After a few days, my best friend beat some sense out me, so I began writing again and edited The Promise. Then unpublished again for the same reason. I know, I'm so dramatic! Hahaha! But this time, I know where I went wrong. So I researched for guidelines in writing and kept editing The Promise until it became Presage, which is the fifth revision.

2. What book inspired you to write the most?

There are actually a lot, but what really inspired me are the works of Rick Riordan. I love the humor, mystery, adventure and everything about his works, especially the series of Percy Jackson and the Olympians. The way Rick Riordan pulls me into the world of Greek mythology gave me an unforgettable adventure, which I also want to happen in my works. I want to give the readers an adventure that would make them smile when they remember it.

3. What is your process for writing a character?

At first, I didn't really have any, which turned my book into a disaster. Characters are the soul of a book and any other things like movies, tv shows or mangas. If you don't have believable characters, I strongly believe that your book won't go that far. So I did my research on how to write believable characters. There are a lot of helpful guides solely in Wattpad so I think giving it a try wouldn't be that hard. But basically, it includes information like the one from a bio data, from their name to blood types and even choices for fashion. Another tip is to pattern them with someone you know so you could easily switch on their shoes without checking your records.

4. Who or what inspired you to write Presage?

What inspired me to write Presage is an online game named Flyff or Fly For Fun. I've played it for almost eight years and because of that addiction, I sometimes dreamed about it. After some time of having a continuous dream about the game I started writing it day after day and thought of writing it into a story. So I wrote a quick plot about my dreams and completed a simple story flow. But to me, it's special. However, during that time I am more focused on others things so the plot I made was simply kept in my cabinet. One day, when I decided to clean my cabinet, I came across that old plot and since I'm not busy at that time, I revised the plot while adding more twists and details and ended up with a story line good enough for a pentalogy. So most parts of Presage were actually my dream :>

5. Do you have any future plans for books?

Aside from Presage, I have less than fifteen more stories waiting in line. I haven't work on their plots yet but I already outlined the general idea. I'm still not sure if I would make them into a series, but majority of them are just standalone books. As of now, I want to focus on the series of Presage and when I'm done with it I plan to work on a standalone book in Paranormal genre. 

 6. What is the genre do you find harder to write?

I think Romance. I don't know why but maybe because I'm not a romantic person! Hahaha! Just joking! But with all honesty it's Romance genre. Although I love sweet stuffs and pastries, I am not really into romantic things, probably because I haven't been into a relationship. But I do read love stories in mangas. However, writing is a different thing. It's simply because my interest is not there. I prefer those with great adventure, mystery, action, fantasy and thriller and only having romance as part of it but not its main focus.

7. As the third place winner of the Fantasy Wonders Competition... What advice can you give to participants in future competitions?Never give up on your own work. EVER. Writing is a hard thing especially when you set your work out there in world of the lions. It will be criticized and attacked in every way possible, it may even shatter your resolve. But just like a lion, be courageous. Stand for your work, believe in your work. But never close your doors from negative feedbacks. It may hurt, like A LOT, and it might send you killing the commenter with Caps Lock, but hey, knowledge is power. Other people see what we don't want to see as authors, so never let those eyes and ears close. Learn from them instead but never let them dictate what you should do with your work, because what you always have to follow is your heart.

Especial thanks to PinkPrincess1204! We hope you keep participating in our future competitions! :D



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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