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Jessica's POV

I sat in my room for the rest of the night looking at the piece of paper that was recently handed to me a few days earlier.

Yes I know that they gave it to me, for me to call them, but is that what they truly want. I mean cause like they basically abandoned me, found me, and then left me again.

I can't blame them fully though because I'm scared myself. I'm scared that if I do get in contact with them they'll just leave me again.

I seriously have no freaking clue what to do.

"Hey mom" I said walking down stairs meeting my mom in the kitchen.

"Hey you holding up" she replied walking over and placing her hands on my cheeks.

"I'm fine. Better than fine. It's...did I mention I'm fine?" I asked her trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"I really don't think you are. What happened the other day?" She asked walking me over to our couch.

"We were talking and I was having a good time getting to know them, and then after a few hours they said they had to leave and so they did" I answered looking down into my lap fidgeting around with the same piece of paper in my hand.

"What's that" mom asked causing me to look up and meet her confused gaze.

"Oh, they gave me this piece of paper with there phone numbers on it. They um, they told me to keep in touch to-to call them. But I don't know if I should."    I responded shrugging my shoulders and letting out a sigh.

"I do" she said making me snap my head towards her direction.

"You do?" I asked very confused and curious as to what she was going to say.

"Yes. Jessica, rather you like it or not Sean and Lana are your parents. And rather you choose to believe it or not they do love you." Mom replied simply like my current situation was the most common thing to ever happen.

"I'm scared" I replied just above a whisper.

"I know baby" she said stroking my hair.

"Can I um...can I use the house phone" I asked brushing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Of course" she answered rubbing her hand down my arm.

"Thanks" I said with a weak smile.

I got up and went to the kitchen where the phone was to go get it.

After I got it, I took one look at my mom only to see her there with a small smile plastered on her face nodding.

'I can't believe I'm doing this' I thought to myself as I walked up the stairs where this all began.

Seans POV

I was at my house in the kitchen cooking diner for my lovely wife, that won't leave me alone so I can cook in peace.

"Babe, if you want this to be done at a decent hour; then I suggest you stop poking me and help." I said sending her the most playful glare ever.

"But I'm board. I don't want to cook" she whined scrunching her nose up looking at the food then back to me.

"Then go sit in the room and wait" I replied walking up to her and wrapping my arms around her waist while she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"I. Don't.  Want. To." She responded slowly standing on her tippy toes bringing her lips to mine.

Just seconds before our lips touched we were interrupted by the sound of a phone.

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