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Jessica's POV

Lana and Sean are allowing me to stay at there house with them for the rest of the week until I can go back to my house and get my things.

Part of me is so happy that I get the parents that I have always wanted. But, the other part of me feels very sad because I'm leaving the woman that raised me my entire life.

I know that I probably shouldn't feel bad or sad about leaving the woman who recently caused me so much pain; but I mean she is also the same woman whom of which I called mom for 12 years.

But, I will say that I have been through far worse then this so I will be just fine.

Right now I am currently sitting in the room that will be mine as soon as I move in here, and I am listening to my music at very high volume.

I'm listening to Wannabe by the spice girls just blocking out all of my troubles at the moment because I sure as hell know there's a lot of them.

"If you want to be my lover, you gotta get with my friends make it last forever friendship never eeends" I sang while nodding my head to the beat of the music.

*knock knock*

"If you want to be my lover, you have got to give taking is to easy, but that's the way it iiiis" I continued.

*knock knock*

"Oh whatcha think about that, now you know how I feel. Say you could handle my love are you for real." I carried on now dancing where I sat.


"I won't be hasty I'll give you a try. If you really bug me then I'll say goodbye"

"What are you deaf" Lana asked practically knocking the door down causing me to jump 10ft in the air.

"Sorry, I was listening to my music" I explained taking out my headphones one at a time.

"All the way up" she asked after she took my phone and pressed the up butting to see just how loud it was.

"Yes ma'am" I answered reaching over and putting my phone on charge due to to the fact that it was dying

"Anyway...I just wanted to come and tell you that diner was ready. So you can come down at any time you want, it's up to you" she said pushing a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

"Thanks" I responded while yawning.

After giving me a small smile she went back down stairs and left me to do what I wanted.

Deciding that I didn't need to be down there right away I grabbed my suit case and got out the clothes I would be sleeping in. 

Once I had everything I went and had a nice long shower. As soon as I got out, I got dressed, and then brushed both my hair and my teeth.

When I was finally done with everything and I felt a lot better then I did before, I went down stairs to have diner with my family.

Man that feels good to say.

"Well look who finally decide to join us" Sean said with a slight chuckle crossing his arms.

"Yeah. I'm sorry, I decided to take a shower before I came down" I explained walking slowly to the table before sitting down.

"It's fine love" Lana said with the warmest smile.

"K" I responded smiling back.

"So me and Lana were talking, before you came down. And we were wondering, whenever you move in next week. Do you want to go to public school, private school or on set school" Sean asked wiping the corner if his mouth with his napkin.

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