Chapter Three

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     Emberpaw followed his mentor through the tall, golden grass that made the moor. He hung his head low, his eyes locked on the path he walked on.

     Finally, once away from camp, Softgorse stopped and turned to face her apprentice with a sympathetic gaze. "I'm sorry things turned out like this, Emberpaw," she mewed, curling her tail over her paws.

"It's not your fault.." he muttered. "I- I was listening and I heard you trying to defend me.. You did all you could.."

She looked as though she were going to scold him for eavesdropping, but saw no point in it. Neither of them did. The cream she-cat let out a sigh. "Alright, I'm going to send you some place fair and I want you to see what you can catch."

Emberpaw pricked his ears. "Is Spiderstar coming?" he exclaimed excitedly. "Is this my second chance?" The young cat's spirits suddenly lifted, realizing the whole conversation must've been a throw-off for Shadespot.

Softgorse smiled sympathetically but shook her head. Emberpaw's heart sank. "Even if it was, Shadespot's an older warrior than me. Spiderstar wouldn't change his mind."

"Oh," Emberpaw murmured, his head low. Softgorse looked as though she were going to apologize, but Emberpaw cut her off. "Where do you want me to hunt..?"

Softgorse hesitated, but she raised her chin, clearing her throat after a moment. "By the ThunderClan border," she explained. "The wind is still harsh, so if you can catch anything, then my suspicions will be proven. Go."

With that, Emberpaw turned and stalked off, the fur von his neck standing. I can't believe I won't be able to become a warrior with my sister.. he thought, his eyes narrowed.

     "Never mind that," he meowed, straightening up. "I need to hunt for the Clan." He lifted his nose to the air, scenting it for any sign of prey.

     The wind was still as harsh as this morning, but being able to hunt where he liked should make it easier. He trotted toward the ThunderClan border, following the scent of a water vole.

     The trail was slightly scattered, but he did his best to follow it, knowing Softgorse was out there, watching his every tactic.

     Finally, he spotted the mammal just on the bank of the stream between ThunderClan and his Clan's territories. Once again, I've got one chance.

     He dropped into a skilled hunting crouch, his ears flat against his head. He let his tail hover neatly above the ground as he crept onto the bank, keeping the wind direction and the creature's line of sight on his mind the whole time. Once he was close enough, he crouched lower, pushing all his weight into his haunches before pouncing. He sailed through the air skillfully, landing right on the small mammal, killing it swiftly.

     He backed away a few paces, looking over the prey and sizing it up. He then crouched and bowed his head. Thank you, StarClan, for bringing me this prey.

     Even if he hadn't gotten his warrior ceremony like he'd hoped ever since he was a kit, he couldn't blame StarClan for his misfortune, could he?

     "Hey!" A ruff voice called from in front of Emberpaw. The apprentice lifted his head and pricked his ears.

     A small, black tom appeared out of a line of bramble bushes on the other side of the border.

     "It was about to swim over," the warrior growled, his fur standing on end in defiance. "That was my prey!"

     Emberpaw flattened his ears, offended at the snarky warrior's accusation. "But it was on WindClan--"

     "Prey-stealer!" the warrior spat and leaped over the border tackled Emberpaw with great force, despite his small frame and the whole world went black.

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