Chapter Twenty-Two

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The Yamaguchi-gumi is the largest yakuza clan in Japan. It is also one of the largest criminal organisations in the world. Members reaches up to 40,000 yakuza in the Japanese underworld. 

I was not introduced to all, in fact I was only briefly called to meet kumicho, the boss only after a week. The lean man, whom I know now as Katashi, who brought me back was one of the shatei, younger brother. He leads the Takenaka-gumi clan. So far there are 15 shateis, all leading their own groups and clans.

Their history wasn't taught in a class or anything. I found the library while browsing the house briefly while waiting to be introduced to the boss. The boss has an extensive library, old and yet, furnished with latest books. She wonders whether the boss really reads, or that he has hired an assistant or caretaker to make sure of it.

I found a book that told of the history of the Yamaguchi-gumi clan and was browsing briefly before Katashi calls me.

He notice what I was reading, and let me take it back.

Katashi is some sort of an enigma. He seems easy going at times, but he commanded respect effortlessly. Someone told her that Katashi is the youngest shatei ever elected, at the age of 35. His skills in the art of samurai is among the best, uncomparable. He made his first kill at the age of 13 and never look back since.

His clan, the Takenaka-gumi clan in the oldest and biggest clan that forms the Yamaguchi-gumi yakuza organisations with a member that reaches 10,000, mostly young recruits. Questions arise as to how he rise to the position in a period of twenty years, but no one dares to say anything.

I never yet see his rage, his members said that he can be cunning and cruel if he chooses to. But he likes to deceive. A camouflage. Sometimes I can see something lurking behind those dark eyes when I caught him unaware, lost in thought. 

And I wonder, what he sees in me as well.

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