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SPOILERS for Episode 8

Continues when Jesse and Petra were getting ready for the race.

Jesse's POV.

"Well, you ready Petra?"

"Are you kidding? Racing is my thing. We'll win this for sure. Unless somebody kills us halfway." She pointed at the green team.

"Yo Jesse, it's an honor to be working with you." Nell said. She and the other member gave us thumbs up. But...I could have swore I heard something growling next to me.

"Competitors, on your mark!" yelled Mevia through the microphone

"Good luck Petra!"

"Pssh, you're the one's who gonna need it." She winked.

My heart skipped for a second, and I was falling behind already. Petra dashed as the race started, leaving me in the dust.

Sheesh. She can run.

I quick caught up to her, but she shouted, "Duck!"

Lava came pouring above us, and I barely missed it. We jumped over holes that were formed in the lava (I don't know how) and met a parkour stage.

"Sure is getting hot in here." I panted.

"Well you just have to deal with it. Jump!"

I jumped sideways, and tried to keep my balance. If I die here, I would respawn and Petra would be the only person in our group left. I can't let her be alone.

Good thing, we safely passed the parkour. Now we were running freely in a wide space.

"Hmm, seems pretty weird to have such an open area." I wondered.

An arrow shot past me.

"Jinxed it." Petra said.

"Oh no you don't!" shouted a yellow team guy. He was aiming an arrow for Petra, but I used my sword to deflect it.

"Jesse! Watch out!"

Someone from the yellow team came from behind and whipped out his sword. He slashed it at me, but I dodged it and kicked him in the guts.

"Nice one!" Petra gave me a high-five.

I smiled and kept on running. Soon we were falling into a large arena.

"Woah...what is this-"


A body flew over me, and fell into the water.

"Okay I got my answer."

"This must be Gladiator Junction. The one Em said!" Petra exclaimed.

Em is a giant lady who is as strong and buff as a gladiator, but I still don't trust her that much. But since we really need help, we agreed to work together.

"Hey Jesse. Ready for the fun part?" Em asked. She looked pretty tough, and ready.

"...I hope so." I answered.

She was in the lead, slashing and sweeping players away. Yikes she's one freaky woman.

Soon we were facing Slab and Clutch, the two gladiators.

"I'm gonna enjoy squishing you..." Slab rubbed his hands gleefully.

"Well we're gonna be the ones squishing you! Right Em?"

No response...


Suddenly I felt a force push me towards the ground, and I fell face down.

"Ha!" Em laughed and ran off.

"Jesse! Stand back. I'll hold them off!" Petra yelled. She whipped out her sword and started fighting Clutch.

"Wait! You can't-"


I tried to get up and help, but Slab came from behind and...and...

He killed her.

He. Killed. Petra.'s that for a first chapter?

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