The Deal

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Jesse's POV.

"You haven't told me the reason you're bringing me to Hadrian, Slab." I reminded him.

"Fine...if that's what it takes to make you stop talking." He grunted. "Hadrian wants to discuss some stuff with you. That's all I got."

"Seriously? You didn't ask for details?" I asked.

"Do you think he would tell even if I asked? He doesn't trust anyone except himself and Mevia." Slab replied, folding his arms. "Sometimes I don't trust that guy. He has too many secrets."

I nodded in agreement. Hadrian, in fact, has been very suspicious since I met him. Who knows what he has under his sleeves.

Soon, we entered the mansion. To be honest, it was beautiful. The tall ceilings with chandeliers, gigantic windows, and some paintings were all in that one big house.

Me and Slab walked down the corridor and found ourselves in Hadrian's office. There was a quartz desk, purple glass stained windows, and a armor stand.

"Hadrian ordered me to keep you here, but I'm going to check out whether this is the right place. And while I'm gone... don't touch ANYTHING. Got it?" Slab warned.

I shrugged and he went off. Besides the windows and desk, what attracted me the most was the armor. I walked up to it curiously to have a closer look.

Golden linings, white marks... isn't this...Tim's armor?

" I see you've checked out the infamous Tim's armor. Go ahead. Touch it if you want." Hadrian suddenly popped out from nowhere.

"Gah! Oh, it's you." I said, annoyed.

"Hmm...fairly rude to a old man huh? Learn some respect, pipsqueak."

"I'll be nice if you would tell me what's going on here. And who's Tim?"

Hadrian smirked as he brought me to the center of the room. "Well, to start off, Tim is a wonderful, brave and excellent person, for some people who describes him. He is a, inspiration to them."

"Inspiration...?" I though silently.

"Yes. He's the one who makes the players move forward. Without him, none of this would have happened. Everyone has a good image of what he looks like. But actually, they have never seen Tim in person before."

"So Tim isn't real then." I concluded.

Hadrian raised an eyebrow at me. "Smarter than you look. Come on, let me show you something."

He took out a pickaxe, and mined the wall to the right. After he's done, the hole revealed a secret room, with two obsidian cages. I side them were...Olivia and Axel!

"Axel! Olivia!" I shouted and rushed into the room.

"Jesse!" Both of them said.

"I am so glad to see you guys! But why are"

"That old man there suddenly appeared and kidnapped us! Boy if I was holding my trusty pickaxe this wouldn't happen..." Axel explained.

"I used the Atlas to catch them. Pretty smart huh?" Hadrian boasted. Hen he walked to a smaller cage. "I know all your secrets Jesse. Even your best, small friend, Reuben."


"R-Reuben?" I stuttered as I walked cautiously to the third cage.

Suddenly a random tall dude popped out and looked at me. He looked very familiar...

"Wait...aren't you the usher?" I asked him.

"Uh..yeah. Look I don't know what's going on, but this dude here just kidnapped me outta nowhere. Get me outta here please."

I facepalmed as Hadrian laughed in delight.

"So, is your reunion any touching or what?" He asked.

"At least I got to meet Axel and Olivia..." I said under my breath. "You used the Atlas to kidnap my friends. Why?"

"Well you see Jesse, even if you win, which there's 0.0% possibility, your friends will still stay in the mines and work for me." Hadrian said, pointing at them.

"W-What?!" Olivia gasped.

"No way!" Axel shouted.

"You can't do this!" I opposed.

"I will release them, under one condition." Hadrian walked towards me and leaned closed to me.

"Surrender and say that you lose, and you will work in the mines for their sake." He said, smirking.

"What-I no! That's..."

Then I turned to see their faces. Olivia looked terrified, Axel looked confused, and the Reuben guy just sat there watching us.

And Petra...if I don't agree to the condition, she'll be stuck here...

"This time, I swear. I won't cheat again."

" got a deal."

Hadrian looked satisfied and brushed past me. "You always know the right choices Jesse. Don't worry, your friends will return home safely. Maybe you want to say your last goodbyes?"

Slab appeared and yanked me out of the room. Before leaving, Hadrian constructed an obsidian wall to block Olivia and Axel's vision.

But I saw their faces. They looked horrified.


Was this the right choice?

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