Communication Accessed

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Jesse's POV.

As soon as the Order left, Hadrian pushed me into the Nether portal. He gave me a pickaxe and some armour, so I'm guessing he wants me to mine quartz.

The atmosphere was humid and stuffy, which made me wonder how do workers survive. I've only been to the Nether once, but I had never stayed for so long.

"You're the guy who lost to Hadrian, right?"

A worker wearing blue overalls said to me. He had dark skin and blue eyes, and his shirt was drenched in sweat.

"...Yeah." I answered.

"I feel you. I made a deal with him too." He placed his hands at his back, looking down. "Didn't turn out well. He'll do anything —even if it means breaking the rule—to pull you down."

"That sucks," I angrily hit a quartz ore with my pickaxe. Dust flew out, making both of us cough and sneeze.

"It's just reality. Things won't turn out the way you think. At least that's what I learned from Hadrian." He comforted.

"I guess...what's your name?"

"Calip. You?"

"Jesse. Nice to meet you."


We both continued talking and mining, but sometimes we were interrupted by gladiators who hit us on the back for slacking off. Eventually, our shift was over and we get to exit the Nether.


"Huh?" I turned around. I heard some sort of static noise.


"Jesse? What's wrong?" Calip patted my shoulder. I stopped walking and concentrated where the sound was coming from.


I rushed towards a Netherrack. As I thought, hidden underneath it was a radio. is it working in the Nether?

"Hey! You two! Stop picking trash, since you are already one! Hurry back to the Overworld!" A gladiator shouted.

I hurriedly stored the radio in my inventory and exited the Nether. Calip followed. Once we returned to our dorms, let's just say...I really, really despise this place.

A worn out bed with two wooden blocks as tables, a wooden slab as a chair, and a small chest for storing items. The chest was filled with cobwebs and seaweed, so I could only put in at least 5 items.

The room was cramped and dirty, with one glass pane as a window. I placed my radio in top of the table, and sat on my bed.

It let out a creepy creakk and some Endermites popped out, but I didn't care. I simply kicked them out of my room and shut the door.

The radio gave out more static, which I turned down so people wouldn't know what I was listening to. Finally, the static cleared and I heard a woman's voice.


It was still unclear, but I could make out Petra's voice. I held the radio close, heart thumping.

"Petra? Petra is that you?"

More static.

"W...We got him... Jeshhse, can you...hear us?"

"It's really hard. There's a lot of static."

I gulped as I waited for an answer. Footsteps were audible, but they left quickly. I suspect that a gladiator is patrolling.

"Listen guys, I need to go off now. There seems to be someone guarding the place. I'll contact you guys as soon as possible."

And with that, I shut the radio off and flipped on my bed, dust rising like smoke.

Petra's POV.

"We lost him," I announced depressingly. "Said something about a person guarding. Probably didn't want to blow our cover."

Lukas sighed and Ivor massaged his temples. I turned off the communication system and sat on the couch, releasing a breath of exhaustion.

"There's nothing much we can do," said Lukas. "We got a way to communicate now, but we still haven't got the right coordinates for the portal."

I had told Olivia and Axel about the situation, and they agreed to help out. They said they will try to find the portal in their own separate worlds (Redstonia and Boom Town).

Though, there doesn't seem to be much progress. Although we managed to sneak the communicstion device into the Nether, Jesse's in another world. It's a miracle he was able to connect.

"The world shouldn't be that far, if we could connect with him." Ivor stated. He got up and went to the trapdoor.

"I'm going down to get some food. With me, Lukas?"

"I'm good. I want some rest."

With Ivor gone, me and Lukas remained in the silent treehouse. It feels so different without Jesse...

"You okay?"

I turned and nodded. Though, I was worried. What is Hadrian forcing him to do? Will Jesse be all right?

"Hey," he patted me on the back. "Don't stress. Jesse will manage. I mean, you know him. After all those adventures, he won't be taken down easily."

Tears swell up in my eyes, but I wiped them. I formed a weak smile and said, "Thanks, Lukas."

Jesse's POV.

The knock on the door was the first thing that I heard when I woke up.

I answered it, walking lazily to the front.

"Hadrian's calling for you. Better spend your last minutes of freedom here."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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