Chapter 17

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Its just not edited im sorry. And yes. No picture of Kyungie for this chapter cuz i dont wanna give away the someone yet and this chapter wont be about Kyungie.

Someone elses P.O.V

" Hey Taehyung. Do you know where Jungkook is?" I ask Tae, who seemed really in his thoughts and confused.

" I think he went to the roof top." He says. I nod. And begin to walk to the rooftop.
He texted me last night telling me he had an idea for our next concept for our comeback.
As i got to the door I heard Jungkook and someone else talking.

" Why?" He said. I slightly opend the rooftop door to get a view of who he was talking too.

It was her.

" Why what?" She said smirking. It wasn't a noticable smirk but it was there.

" Why did you try to commit suicide?" The smirk she had on her face was gone. She looked at him.

he stayed silent for a minute before answering him.

She what? Theres no way. Why?

" It doesn't matter." she looks at the floor.

" You should be able to tell me what it is then if it doesnt matter." he says.

Aish!!! Stupid Makenae.

I silently closed the door and began moving down the stairs.

" I said it doesn't matter." I heard the door open. I began to run down the stairs.

I heard her sigh from a distance and kick in frustration. I hid once i reached the bottom of the stairs.

Soon after i heard her come down the stairs too.

She walked towards the door to leave the school. I watched her as she walked away.

Taehyungs P.O.V.

I couldn't get Hobie off my mind.

I never knew he was gay. I didnt know he liked me.

He wasn't there for second period nor 3rd.

I sigh. Still thinking about him.

I dont know how i feel towards him, but him ignoring me is killing me.

I stand up from the lunch table.

" I need to go for a walk."

I get up and begin to walk outside the school.

I was walking on the broder when i see two figures.

One very similar and one that seemed to be a girl.

I slowly get cliser and realise the familiar figure was J-hope and he was talking to some girl.

A rush of frustration and anger came over me. I always felt this way when i saw him with a girl.

Usually i would stand by and look at him play with them but I wasn't feeling it this time. This time i wasn't gonna leave it like that. He said he liked me. He can't play with girls if thats true.

I walk quickly towards them and grab Hobie's hand. I pull him to a wall, away from the girl. I pin him.

He looks at me shocked.

" Taehyung?" He asks. He looked everywhere except my eyes.

" Yahh!!! WHY HAVE YOU BEEN IGNORING ME?!?!?" I yell. He looks shocked.

" I-I" he stutters but doesnt answer.

I begin to move my face close to his. I slowly move toward his ear. I breath lightly on his neck making sure he can feel the heat coming from my mouth.

" I like you too." As I pull away I touch his check with mine making him shiver.

I pull away and bring my arms down. He looks at me dumbfonded. He was blushing.

" See you at the dorms Hobie." I smile and walk away.

I don't know what i just did.



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