chapter five- is that jealousy

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thanks for reading xxx

 chapter 5

We then both pulled away both smiling, everyone was smiling and looking at us smiling, I felt cheeks burn I was blushing badly probably looking like a tomato. I turned to look at Jason who was looking at me his eyes bored into mine until I heard someone clear there through I turned around to see a girl smiling t Jason, she was wearing a skirt that was shorter then my dress if that was possible, She had blond hair with brown eyes and looked likt a sl*t.
“Can I get you something” she asked Jason giving him a flirty smile
“No thanks” he said smiling back 
“I’m scarlet” she said smiling at Jason
“I’m Jason” he said while shaking her hand,I saw Jason check her out with a smirk on his face.
“This is honey my girlfriend” he said smiling at her
“Hi” I sent her a fake smile
“Hi yeah I know I saw you making out” she said looking at Jason I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment Jason just smiled.
“Jason anytime you want to have fun at night just call me” she said winking at him and sending him a flirty smile, jealousy and anger rushed through me.
“Sorry but Jason will be with me tonight instead of a sl*t like you!.” I blurted out before I could stop myself I heard the guys chuckle and I felt Jason smiling trying not to laugh, I gave her a fake smile while she had her mouth hanging open, she then looked away and stormed out to the kitchen.
I smiled in satisfaction.
“Sorry guys we have to go” Jason said standing up holding my hand.
“Bye it was nice meeting you honey” they said to me as I was walking out
“it was nice meeting you to” I smiled to them
“Will see you guys at home later” Johnson said to us
As we were heading to the door I heard Ralph whisper to jason
“you sure know how to pick them jason if anything happens ill take her” Ralph said while looking me up and down like I was a piece of meat.
I tightened my grip on Jason scared I think he realised because he kept me really close to him.
“Nothing is going to happen though” Jason said smiling
“You sure are right” I said kissing Jason’s cheek 
“Bye guys “Jason and I said to them as we walked to the car
Jason opened the door for me I got in and smiled at him as he closed my door and went to his side.
“babe you didn’t have to be jealous” he said smiling a cocky smile, embarrassment rushed through me I felt my cheeks burn.
Him calling me babe made sparks rush through my body but I know he didn’t mean anything by calling me babe.
“w-w-what who said I was jealous” I said blushing crazily.
“Sorry but Jason will be having fun with me tonight instead of a slut like you” he mimicked my voice laughing.
“Hey, you said you wanted me to act like your girlfriend I did as you asked” I lied.
“I know you were jealous” he said looking at my with a cocky smile spread across his face he was gorgeous, no he was god damn sexy. 
“Why would I be jealous I’m not your girlfriend?”
“But you wish you were” he cockily
“No babe is the other way around, you wish I was your girlfriend” I said smiling at him.
“Na I’ve already got a girlfriend” he said smiling, I felt hurt, I felt used I felt like crying it felt like my heart had shredded in thousands of pieces and I didn’t know why,
“Relax I was joking, you had to see your face” he said laughing I felt relieved thank god I felt a smile spread across my face.
“ I know you like me” he said smiling at me 
“Sorry to bust your bubble babe but I dont” I said lying to him 
“Says the one who kissed me and got all jealous. “he said smiling even more at my reactions.
“You told me to act like your girlfriend” I said trying not to blush 
“Yes I did tell you to act like my girlfriend d but I didn’t tell you to make out with me and kiss me like that” he said cockly I felt myself blush, i didn’t know what to say.
“Well no one said that you had to kiss me back like that” I said smiling but looking down so he couldn’t see blush, but I looked up to see his expression he was blushing it was adorable.
“well like you said I had to make it look real” he said with a smirk, what he said kind of hurt I thought for that second he might of liked me but I was wrong and why would he like me, Im just the girl he needs for his plans.
but how did I even for fall him so fast??

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