Chapter 1

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A/N Hi guys! So here it is! You all get to find out what is really going on! Hahaha! I expect lots of wonderfully good comments or else you guys! Hahaha I do hope you enjoy it though, this was 8 pages on word! Took me forever!


Doctor’s POV

     “Doctor, why is she here what the hell is going on?” Clara asked as I stared at Electra through the glass, I knew I was crying, even though I couldn’t exactly feel the tears, I knew they were there. I slowly pulled my eyes away from the cryo-tube, Clara was asking questions, and she deserved some answers.

    “Why is she in there Doctor?” Clara asked again as my eyes met hers and I tried to think of a good place to start explaining.

    “She is only part Time Lord, she was born on her and was brought to Gallifrey later in life. I had just lost my wife when I met her, and we soon became the best of friends. She convinced me to leave Gallifrey and begin to travel the universe, we went everywhere together, and eventually we fell in love.”

    “Much to the disapproval of the High Council, we were married, and everything was fine. Up until it happened, you see there is a disease on Gallifrey, a very rare one that shows itself after a Time Lord regenerates for the first time. It functions somewhat like Alzheimers on your planet, the person slowly forgets who they are, and this disease also causes them to regenerate sporadically. Mainly because their body knows they are dying, each time a regeneration occurs, it only makes the disease worse.”

    “Electra’s case was incredibly bad, and by the time she had regenerated four times I couldn’t bear it anymore. I couldn’t bear to watch her live on in so much pain, and then watch her die. So I froze her, I put her in Stasis, and told everyone she had died. I didn’t know what else to do. When I finally left Gallifrey for good, to travel with my granddaughter I took her with me. But you see she isn’t just frozen, the TARDIS created a simulated reality, as far as she is concerned she is happy and healthy and living on Gallifrey with me.” I finished as I looked at Clara again and she had tears in her eyes.

    “There is nothing you can do to fix her?” She finally asked and I shook my head sadly as I went over to the display that showed what Electra was seeing in her created reality. I powered up the screen and while I was waiting I looked at Clara again, she was staring at Electra, a look of sadness and awe on her face.

    The screen finally powered up and I turned away from Clara to look at it, there was an image of what she was seeing at that time and what the basic storyline of the program was, I glanced through all of it quickly and immediately began to panic. “Oh no, no, no, no! This isn’t right at all!” I said running my hands through my hair as I stared at the screen in shock.

    “Doctor, what’s wrong?” Clara asked as she came over to me and looked at the screen. “Has it something to do with this? What is this thing anyway?” She asked pointing at the screen.

    “It shows what is going on in the simulated universe the TARDIS has created for Electra.” I said absentmindedly as I continued to study the information.

     “So is there something wrong with the simulated universe?”

    “Yes! There is! Electra is supposed to be living happily on Gallifrey, but instead, the TARDIS made a universe that follows my timeline, Gallifrey has been destroyed, I am married to River, Electra has a companion, an arch rival we destroyed ages ago is causing trouble, it’s all utter chaos!”

Always and Forever. (A DW Fanfic, The Electra Series.)Where stories live. Discover now