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A/N This chapter may not make alot of sense, well it will when you get to the end. But remember how i said I had  no more inspiration for this.... well this is what I decided to do. PLease read the end A/N and all will be explained!

   The cold light of the Gallifreyan infirmary shone down on Electra’s pale sleeping face. The Doctor watched her anxiously his hand grasping her smaller one. He watched as her eyelids fluttered and her heart-rate quickened slightly.

   He was beginning to get concerned and was about to call the nurse when Electra’s eyes fluttered open and she sucked in a breath. “Electra, Electra take it easy.” The Doctor said calmly as he looked down at her and gave her a smile. She returned his smile and squeezed his hand.

  “Doctor, what happened? Why am I in the infirmary?” She asked as she struggled to sit up and he moved to help her. Once she was positioned comfortably amongst the pillows the Doctor sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair away from her face gently.

   “You got sick, you were forgetting everything and regenerating sporadically, and the scientists here, they had an experimental treatment, I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you so I had them give it to you. And it worked Electra. You have been unconscious for about a week but it worked. The sickness is gone love.” He said as a smile played on his features and a tear snaked down his cheek.

   “That’s wonderful.” She said after a moment and The Doctor nodded as he took her hand and brought it up to his lips kissing her palm. She took his free hand in her own and copied him, they sat like that for a few moments just staring lovingly at each other, relishing in the fact that everything they were going to lose was miraculously given a second chance.

   “And when you get out of here in a few days.” The Doctor said removing her hand from his face. “Then we are going to move to our new house outside of the city while you fully recover.” Electra gave him another smile.

    “That sounds wonderful my love.” She said with a yawn, as she settled down into the bed and gave him a final smile before going back to sleep.

One Week Later….

   “And here we are!” The Doctor exclaimed as he helped Electra through the doors of their new country house. The doors shut automatically as they moved into the living room hand in hand.

   “Its beautiful Doctor.” Electra said happily as she sat down on the couch and looked out the window at the Gallifreyan night.

   “Yes it is, and its also late. So we should be heading to bed. We will have plenty of time to explore when you are good and rested tomorrow.” Electra sighed but stood up anyway.

   “You baby me too much, and also you worry too much.” She said as he wrapped an arm around her lovingly as they walked towards the bedroom.

   “I do, I admit that. It’s both a fault and incredibly endearing.” He said and Electra could hear the smile in his voice.

   Later as they were both lying in bed with their arms wrapped around each other Electra whispered. “Doctor?”

    “Yes my love?”

    “When I was in that coma, I had a horrible dream.” She said as the Doctor sat up slightly and looked down at her. “I know people don’t generally dream in coma’s but I did.”

   “What was this dream about?” He asked

   “It was the future, Gallifrey was destroyed and you thought you were the only one left. You were remarried and traveled the universe with companions from Earth. Then I came back into your life and so many things after that. But then I dreamed that I was sick and you had put me in Stasis and all of it was a simulated reality. And you took me out and made me human to keep me from dying.”

   “And what happened after that?”

    “I don’t know, I woke up.” The Doctor chuckled at that and then kissed her forehead.

    “It was just a dream my love, I am never going to leave you and I will never love anyone else but you. Its always going to be you and me, forever and always, on this planet or travelling the universe until the end of our days. Okay?”

   Electra looked up at him for a moment processing what he said, then she gave him a small smile and said “Okay.”

   “Good now go to sleep, I love you Electra.” He said as he kissed her on the lips and then laid back down next to her.

   “Good night Doctor, I love you too.”

A/N So guys in case you couldnt tell I ended it. This is the end of The Electra Series. I just ran out of ideas  I ran out of inspiration, I tried so hard, but try as I might I just had nothing left to give this story.

I wanted to try and somehow give it a happy ending though, I honestly pondered just blowing Electra up a few times. But I couldnt end it that way, not after all I have dragged you wonderful wonderful people through!

   So I came up with this, it was all a dream, the Doctor and Electra are happy on Gallifrey and nothing has happened yet! No Time War no nothing. I thought that was the best way to end it. If I still had a heart for this story I wouldnt have done it this way, but this is the only way my I could with my current state of mind.

Now dont think that I in any way hate this series, I love it, it made me very popular on wattpad and helped me make some amazing supportive people on here who were with me through the good times in this story and the bad ones.

  And I think, now, this story really belongs more to you guys than to me. It belongs to all of you who have loved it from the beginning, who supported me and helped me with ideas. Who got Forever Yours to I think its 30,000 reads so far in less than two years!

   The Electra Series belongs to everyone who shipped two characters, I dont care who you shipped so long as they were shipped! It belongs to everyone who voted and commented.

   It belongs to everyone who hated me and nicknamed me Mini Moffat but still kept reading and still loved the story, its you guys who prevented me from blowing her up, the people who wanted her to be happy more than anything.

This series shows the evolution of my writing, some of my A/N's from old chapters have preserved the things I was thinking about at the time. This story is not just a fanfiction, but it is almost a diary of how I myself have changed, how it caused my characters to change, and I will cherish it along with you guys, the readers, for forever.

   I dont know if I will ever write another DW fanfic, I dont know if I will ever have another idea for one that was as good as this series was. But whether I do or dont doesnt matter, I still have lots of ideas for other things, and I still have The Way We Were to finish! Haha I will finish that, I have it planned basically I just need to fill it in.

So to finish off my rambling... thank you all so much for not only reading (Although thank you for that as well) but for all of your votes, funny and supportive comments, encouragement and understanding. I couldnt have finished this without knowing that there were people out there reading and enjoying it.

As that is why I truly believe that this story belongs as much to you as it does to me, because I could never have gotten it this far without all of you. Electra and The Doctor would never have gotten past one book without you and your love for this story. So once again... Thank you.


                                                                                                       Jo (And The Doctor and Electra ;) )

Always and Forever. (A DW Fanfic, The Electra Series.)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant