Chapter 2

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A/N New chapter guys! Dont you love me?! Hahaha so things should get moving pretty quick I hope, but this chapter does alot of explaining and it is a bit boring so sorry about that! But here you go!


Third Person POV

   Electra, or Randi Collins, as she is soon to be known as, lay unconscious in front of the Emergency room entrance of the hospital. She had only been there for a few minutes when an ambulance pulled up and an EMT jumped out upon seeing her lying there.

    He looked her over quickly and checked her pulse, her heart-rate was erratic, most likely due to the recent switch from two hearts to one, and being unfrozen after being in stasis for 500 years, but the EMT didn’t know that. He picked her up quickly and carried her inside calling for assistance.

    Nurses came rushing over and someone placed a call to the on-call Doctor that night, that Doctor was Grace Holloway, Cardiologist and recent companion of ‘The Doctor’. A gurney was brought over and the EMT placed Randi down on it. He stepped back as the nurses began to check her vitals and then rushed her off to a room.

     Dr. Holloway came in moments later, just as the nurses were finishing removing Randi’s shirt and hooking her up to an I.V. and heart monitor. “What’s going on?” Holloway asked as she came over to the bed and began to look Randi over.

   The nurse gave Dr. Holloway the rundown as she looked over Randi. “Jane Doe, early twenties, we found a wallet in her pocket we haven’t had a chance to open it, her heart rate is erratic, she has been unconscious since her arrival, no sign of head trauma or any other injuries.” Holloway nodded as she listened to Randi’s heart.

   “Let’s get her into x-ray immediately, and figure out who this girl is so we can work on finding her family. Who brought her in?” The nurse grabbed the wallet from where it had been set on a nearby counter and opened it. As the other nurses set to work carrying out Dr. Holloway’s orders, as drugs were administered to calm her heart rate the nurse read off Randi’s I.D.

    “An EMT brought her in said he found her outside of the hospital, her I.D. says her name is Miranda Collins, age twenty-six her driver’s license is expired though.” The nurse finished and Holloway looked at her. The heart rate monitor began to slow in the background as Randi was rushed off to X-ray.

    Dr. Grace Holloway was no stranger to odd patients entering her E.R. no less than two months ago, a man with two hearts had rolled in here, died, and then magically changed his face and came back to life. That man Grace now knew to be The Doctor, but she hadn’t seen him since then. “Contact the police, we need to try to find out where this girl came from, and if she has any family we can contact.”

   The nurse nodded and left the room, Dr. Holloway grabbed the I.D. lying on the counter and looked down at it, sure enough the license was expired, she began to look through the rest of the wallet and found a passport card. Clearly she had been travelling abroad lately. Looking at her watch she set down the items and rushed off to the x-ray rooms. Randi should be coming out of x-ray very soon.

   She walked into the viewing room, and saw them pulling a still unconscious Randi out of the x-ray machine, the radiologist came into the viewing room as she watched. “Hello Dr. Holloway, I was just about to start developing these x-ray’s, are you going to wait for them?” The Radiologist asked as Grace turned to look at her and smiled.

Always and Forever. (A DW Fanfic, The Electra Series.)Where stories live. Discover now