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P.O.V. Mark.
*a month later.*
Adelaide didn't sleep, eat or speak. All she did was sit, watch, kill and cry. She cried softly. Nothing was heard and all she did was stare at her shoes while tears covered her cheeks. Robert tried to cheer her up but it never worked, he was the only person she talked to. She was back on her feet after Amy patched her up. I was walking with Ken in the back.

"She's so..." He starts searching for the right words.

"Broken." I finish for him.

"But what did you expect? She got shot and stabbed, she thinks she broke a promise and now Jack is god knows where, maybe dead. She's going through hell." I say. He nods. I look at the once brave and strong girl slouching a few feet infront of us. She didn't talk to anyone, except for Robert, she hasn't eaten in days and looked like she wanted to kill herself. I'm worried about her and everyone could tell. Hell everyone was worried about her and the others. Amy fell because of her ankle. She hurt it pretty bad a few days ago. Adelaide helps her before I can. She helps her up and gives her a piggyback. I smile. She's that one person who wants to make sure everyone is okay, even when she's not.

P.O.V. Jack.
I open my eyes to see that Marzia's up already. Felix and her became really close. We got separated from the others a while back and everyday we didn't find them I started to get more worried. I was with Marzia and Ryan. Both missing their loved ones as much as I did, even tho we all knew that Addy was probably dead. I sigh as I take a seat next to her. I saw she was cooking some of the beans we found.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask.

"Not." She answers. I sigh.

"Me neither." I say.

"We're gonna find them." She says. I nod.

"I know." Ryan soon was awake and we ate breakfast. After breakfast we started walking again.

"Look." Marzia says.

"Sanctuary, follow the path." It says.

"Which path?" Ryan asks. I look down.

"This path." I say pointing to the spray paint arrows on the floor.

"Do you think they'll go there?" Marzia asks. I nod.

"If they're smart they do." I say. We look at each other and I start walking.

"No time to waist." I say.

P.O.V. Adelaide.
Amy and I got separated from the group. A herde walkers attacked us and I ran in another direction with Amy still on my back.

"10K, look." She says making me stop. She jumps off my back and I look at the way she pointed.

"Sanctuary, follow the path." A sign said.

"Do you think the others went there?" Amy asks. I nod. I start walking, following the spray paint arrows on the ground and walls of buildings while supporting Amy.

"I hope Mark found one of those signs." She whispers. I nod.

"Let's set up camp here." Amy says. I nod. I let go of her and she hands me her gun, I debate to take it as I would prefer Roberts machete I still have but take it and enter the building. I make sure it's save and then go back out to help Amy get in. I set her down by the fireplace as I barricade the door. There was wood left in the house so I made a small fire. I went to scavenge the kitchen but found nothing else than dry crackers.

"This'll do." Amy says as she takes a bite out of one of the crackers. We sit there in silence. Eventually Amy falls asleep and I'm left with my thoughts.

P.O.V. Jack.
The next morning we where getting close to the camp, according to the signs. We still haven't found a sign of the others but we did find two other survivors so it wasn't just us anymore. They're names where Arin and Danny. They where also heading to the camp. We had kept walking over night and got pretty close.

"Jack!" I hear someone scream. I turn around to see Mark, Felix, Ken, Mary, Robert and Matt running towards us. I embrace him as Felix embraces Marzia and Ryan Matt.

"She's alive." He says. I look at him.

"Addy? Is she alive?" I ask. He nods.

"We got separated from her and Amy a few days back, I'm pretty sure they're still alive, maybe at the camp already." He says.

"Well, let's keep moving then." I say. We start walking again, everyone catching up to each other. I smile as the camp gets into view. We open the gate ourselves as nobody is around.

"Keep your eyes open." I say as I step in first. We walk around a big building and are great by a woman behind a grill.

"Welcome, to Artistia."

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