Author's Note

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Hello all my lovelies! If you have stayed this long and are even reading this, just know I love you. (In all fairness, I love anyone who even clicks on my book, but y'know... Extra kudos to you <3)

This book has been so much fun to write and read and see y'all's comments. I never imagined that my story would get so much love (306k at the time I'm writing this!) and it is so surreal to see everything you guys do for me. One day, I hope to publish and I promise that I'll sign copies if you want me to! Heeehee...

Now, on to more important stuff.

I asked for questions from all of you, and here's what you responded with. Any more/unanswered questions can be left in the comments where I will try to reply to asap. :)

@agent_grounder15      asks:

Q: Amelia, which member of the association scares you the most?

A: Well, in all honesty it would have to be either Edward Carter or (a man you have yet to meet) Leo Gaudet. The former has shown no remorse for any of his crimes and revels in the abuse of children- he is a vile human being, a monster. The latter, Leo Gaudet, is sick. Everything he touches loses at least part of itself and his favorite thing to do is to steal someone's innocence; I have had far too many run-ins with him. Never seeing him again is too soon.


@millicant asks

Q: What was your inspiration for this story? How did you come up with the names?

A: I'll start with the easier question. There's a website with a bunch of names that I like using for many of my books- it lets me scroll through first and last names and I just wait until one pops out at me or sometimes a name just comes to me when I'm relaxing. I should tell you, I almost never use names of friends or family members, as I don't want to associate one with the other.
My inspiration for this story actually came to me gradually and from a lot of different things. I had already been thinking about doing a street fighting story, but I knew I wanted my book to be completely different from the other ones already out there. The WWII era, the Holocaust, etc., and many things seen in our very world influenced the idea of the numbers on the children's wrist, the dehumanization, the abuse- they were all heavy topics, yes, but that brings me to my main inspiration. Someone needs to talk about this. People so often turn a blind eye to the violence and neglect in our world today, and if something benefits them with money or fame or power they are willing to overlook the gruesome things that happen because of it. Someone needs to be the voice for the silent.


Many readers have asked:

Q: WHY?!

A: Because I love you and sometimes crying is needed. :')

The Numbers on Her Wrist is just the beginning of this series! I have a sequel planned out as well, but the prequel is coming first! This is because I know that the style of writing I enjoy writing the best is more evident in the prequel- but don't worry! You will see many familiar names/faces there and meet several new characters. The only person missing will be Samuel, but I promise he'll be in the sequel, and Zoe will make an appearance nearer to the end. The titles for each book follows the style of NOHW and I'm so proud of them (and the covers I made)

Here's what they will be about mainly:

The Scars on Her Back (Prequel)- The life before 564 was Amelia Reyes. You will see her first memories of both the orphanage and of any of the previous life she had- many of these are forgotten or washed from her mind, as this is why she never mentions anything before the orphanage to Samuel/Zoe. She will tell of her struggles inside the Association and inside the underground street fights she attends for money.

The Blood on Their Hands (Sequel)- Following the fall of the orphanage Amelia was in, Miss Reyes sets out in order to bring down the remaining twelve branches to the system of corrupt orphanages. New friends and old friends come together in order to put a stop to the abuse of the children, and many losses follow. (Mwahahahahah!)

Once again, thank you all so much for your support! Your comments/love/passion for my book have kept me so happy and brought me joy in my hardest days. I can't wait to continue hearing from all of you in the next books!

I love you all my loves.

Update: Chapter 1 of The Scars on Her Back is finally out! Either weekly or every other week updates will follow! :)

Updated: 9/29

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