the beginning

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Jake English is a small town boy ((born and raised in South Detroit jk)). Dirk strider has been living a big city life with his rap career and stuff. 

You, jake, ran down the street, oh you were in deep shi+! Your grandma found out you've been hanging out with gangs around town. Its not like you did anything with them, you just talked to them! Suddenly !CRASH! You and a blonde kid tumbled to the ground. "Dirk strider?!" you sit on top of him. "Yes, and you are?" he said while covering his eyes. "I'm Jake english, like your biggest fan!" you squeal like a girl while your British accent was thick.

   "Yeah thanks whatever, can you just hand me my shades and get off me?" he said somewhat hateful. You hand him his shades and get off of him. You pulled him up, he seemed to be checking you out! Gross! He smirked at you! Did you blush? Idiot! Your a deep red!

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