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  Dirk dragged you to a stupid party! Ridiculous! "Dirk can I go home yet? Please?" you asked him. "No you cant, you gotta stay with me!" was he gonna get drunk? If he was only making you stay for that reason then your probably gonna just walk out. Dirk went off somewhere and ignored you all night. Here it is midnight and still no dirk, you get up and walk out.

   You sit on the couch wrapped in blankets, you kinda just look like a blanket ball that has eyes. You turn the news on to see Dirk running from the party house and several people being arrested. "Hahah dumb a**!" you laugh at the tv. Wait hold the phone, where the hell are dirks shoes? You laugh even harder. You shut off the tv and sit in total darkness.

   Apperntly you fell asleep, you woke up to dirk kissing you. "WHAT KIND OF DRUGS DID YOU TAKE!" you yell at him, for kissing you. "None English why?" he tilted his head at you with an adorable smile that made you want him to keep kissing. "What the actual f*** why did you kiss me?!?" you say somewhat yelling. "You just looked so cute, I'm sorry I couldn't help it" he frowned. "Well I... Dirk we need to talk."

five in the afternoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ