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   Its been about a month... You've lived off pizza and have been wearing dirks oversized clothes. "Let me go Dirk...." you beg and plead and cry. You realize Dirk is at work and high tail it right outta there.

   Dirk came home to see you're missing. He wanted you for himself not the world. You were this man's will to live. He found your house and knocked. "Ello!" happy as can be until you look up to see his face. "Hey engli-" his words cut off by you slamming the door in his face. He knocked again and you open it "look man, I don't know what your problem is, but you've had me held hostage for more than a month!"

   You slept peacefully that night only to wake up in dirks bed. "F*********k!!!!" you scream out. Dirk ran in the room obviously half drunk "Jake hush *hic* don't wake the neighbors!". "F**k off" you flip him off "what do you want from me?" you ask him while standing up. "Obviously jakey, I love you I want you*hic*" he smiled. Oh wait he's not wearing shades! Wow his eyes a pretty....

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