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I tell Roni that we have to be fashionably late, so we start to get ready at 9 instead of showing up at exactly 9pm. She gets dressed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. I wear the same exact thing but I wear black vans and she wears all-black converse shoes.

She doesn't put on any make up or do her hair at all. It's naturally wavy so it looks good all the time anyways.

"You ready to go?" I ask her.

"Yeah, where exactly are we going?" Roni asks curiously.

"My friends' parent's penthouse. It's a little far so we'll take a taxi cab." I tell her. She just nods and walks next to be outside. I try calling for a cab but I can't get any. They fly right past us and go to different people. Roni rolls her eyes and pushes past me.

She smiles sweetly and waves her hand at the first taxi that passes.
They immediately stop and Roni smirks at me. I pout but slide in next to her.

I give the guy the address of the party and he starts to drive. It's a quiet drive but Roni will occasionally show me something from her phone. It's usually something funny from tumblr but sometimes it's an article or comment.

We finally arrive at the apartment building and I pay the driver, giving him a tip as well. The tip is mostly for stopping when no one else would but it's also for putting up with Roni giggling in the back seat the whole time.

"Wow that's loud." She says as the elevator stops at the top floor. 

"Yeah I know. It's gonna be wild in there so please stay by me." I tell her. She nods and we go in. There are already people dancing all over each other and drunk out of their minds.

"Can I get a drink?" She asks.

"Aren't you underage?" I ask her.

"Yeah so are you." She tells me.

"Fair enough, come on." I say and lead her to the kitchen. After a few shots, she wants to dance. I don't really dance but I keep an eye on her as she has fun on the dance floor. That last thing I'd want is for her to get lost or groped by a stranger.

She comes back laughing after a few songs and we head back to the kitchen. I take another shot but she takes 3 more. She's gonna be completely waisted by the end of the night.

After all that dancing and drinking, she still looks perfect. I don't know how that's possible.
Most of the girls here look awful by now. Their makeup is running and their hair is knotty.

All the girls here are wearing tight, short dresses with a pair of bunny ears or cat whiskers. I would usually be sort of attracted to that but I can't take my eyes off of Roni tonight.

"Hold this, I want to go dance more." She says and hands me her phone. I nod and watch her walk to the group of dancing teenagers and young adults.

Her phone beeps and I don't want to snoop but I glance down at the text.

Dylan- hey Savanna, you ready for tonight baby ;)

I'm confused by the text for a moment before I see what this is. Oh hell no.

Roni- Who's Savanna??

Dylan- oh sorry you and savanna are both babe in my contacts.

Dylan- baby that's not what I meant.

Dylan- Veronica please don't be mad.

Roni- this isn't Veronica but you better tell her about this or I will.

Dylan- thank god it's not Roni but I promise I'll tell her.

I honestly have no idea how a great girl like Roni could find such a scum bag. Probably an online dating website or something. She comes back from dancing, laughing and stumbling a bit.

"That was fun." She says leaning into my side.

"It's loud in here." She winces and covers her ears like a child.

"Let's get you into a quiet room." I laugh at her and guide her to a room down the hall. I rest my hand on her back as we walk through the door way. She turns her head back to me and her cheeks are burning red. I smile sheepishly and take my hand away from her back.

She sits on the bed and I sit next her her. Her head leans on my shoulder and I lay my head on top of hers.

"Shawn, do you think I could be an artist?" She asks me.

"I guess you could be anything you want to be." I tell her.

"No but look." She says and opens her purse. She pouts out her bottom lip as she looks for something. She pulls out a pen.

"Gimme." She says and waves her fingers at me. I slowly give her my hand and she lays my wrist on her lap before she starts to doodle a rose.

Even though she's drunk, the rose looks fantastic. It looks like something Picasso did or whatever his name was. I'm not that educated on painting artists. I'm more of a musical guy, obviously.

"That's awesome Roni." I bring my wrist closer to my face to look at it but Veronica keeps her hand around my wrist. When I look over at her, she's staring at me with flushed cheeks.

She squeezes her eyes shut before grabbing my face in her hands. I'm confused for a second before her lips are on mine. I kiss her back but this feels so wrong. She's intoxicated. She won't remember this in the morning. I push her back lightly by her shoulders.

"I'm so sorry." She jumps up and backs away from me.

"It's alright Roni." I tell her.

"No it's not. Can you take me home?" She asks.

"Yeah of course." I say and take her outside to a taxi cab. Things aren't awkward for me but I can't imagine what she's feeling. She must feel rejected. Or guilt. She technically just cheated on her boyfriend, regardless of if he's cheating on her right now.

I drop her off at her apartment building and then I tell the taxi driver my hotel's address.

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