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"We're leaving in a week for Toronto." I tell Thalia. We are sitting in a mostly empty room for art club. I decided to join after Thalia and Reggie begging me for weeks.

I'm sitting in a plastic chair with my feet propped on the table. Thalia is in the same position, but Reggie is standing. He's been given the task of senior art all over the school. This is the first year we are doing this but they have a group of seniors paint the brick walls along the hallways. Reggie is painting the art room first. He didn't want to walk around the school today so the art teacher has aloud him to paint a wall in here.

"Is that a space ship?" I ask him.

"Yes it is. I still have to draw the stars and planets but this will look awesome." He smiles and dips his paint brush in red paint.

"Thalia, Roni, you have to do something." Mr. Bennett tells us.

"I can sing if you'd like, that's a form of art." I tell him and start to sing in a high pitched and off tune voice.

"No! Please! Just sit there." He says throwing his hands into the air and plopping down at his desk.

"Anyways, the first tour date is next week." I tell them.

"Tour? You know I had a band." Mr. Bennett speaks up.

"Nobody cares Steve." Reggie tells him, not taking his eyes off the wall.

"Reggie, you can't speak to me that way, I am your teacher." Mr. Bennett tells him.

"But you're also my brother." Reggie points at him. Mr. Bennet rolls his eyes and opens his laptop.

"I'm putting on music, what do you want to listen to?" Mr. Bennett asks.

"Stitches! Woah throwback." Thalia tells out.

"Really?" I ask. Every time we listen to music she makes it a point to listen to Handwritten, Shawn's first album.

"Isn't Shawn your boyfriend?" Steve asks. I'm used to calling him Mr. Bennett from class and art club but I've called him Steve before too. I don't call him Mr. Bennett when I hang out with him and Reggie.

"Yeah." Reggie answers for me.

"Wait Shawn is your boyfriend, Reggie? What about Thalia? What happened between Shawn and Veronica? You're gay?" Steve jokes.

"Yes I'm in love with Shawn Mendes." Reggie adds a moan at the end for effect. That only earns him a punch to the arm from both me and Thalia. Steve only laughs.

"I'm done!" Reggie announces later in the evening. Mr. Barrett (a.k.a Steve) let us stay in the school late because he had papers to grade.

"Wow. It does look good." Thalia says and let's go of my arms. Somehow we ended up on top of the table and dancing with our fingers intertwined. When life of the party comes on, you have to dance.

Thalia jumps off of the table and walks over to Reggie. She admires his work while I stand on the table silently. This is starting to get weird.

"Get off the table." Steve speaks up and puts his glasses on.

"No." I say. He sighs but doesn't say anything. He isn't a very strict teacher. He's especially lenient with his Reggie and his friends.

"I'm gonna get going though, so you guys have to leave." Steve says.

I jump off of the table and grab my book bag. Reggie and Thalia walk out the door holding hands and I walk out behind them. Steve locks the room behind us and we leave the school building.

"I'm gonna go home, I'm kind of tired." I tell them. We planned to hang out after this but I don't really want to.

"Okay bye!" Thalia says as they cross the street and walk into Reggie's apartment building. I continue walking down the street to where my building is.

I go straight to bed but I don't go to sleep. I take out my phone and look through the  apps I could click on. I go to twitter and scroll through my feed.

I got twitter after I started dating Shawn. He told me to get it so I can stalk him, jokingly. I got the app anyways so I could stay updated with the tour and the fans.

"@anonymoususer: Oh my god she's so pretty!"

"@anonymoususer: Shawn's new girlfriend is literally goals."

I read lots of positive comments towards me that make me smile. I was expecting even a little bit of hate but I see none. Shawn's fans are probably the nicest fan army out there. I get to the tweets about the upcoming tour and read through them.

"@anonymoususer: I have saved up for almost an entire year to get these tickets, I can't wait!!!"

"@anonymoususer: I have 307 days until my concert and I'm already excited."

"@anonymoususer: I couldn't get tickets but I'm so excited for everyone that got tickets!!"

It makes me so happy that I know someone that's making such a difference. I don't just know him, I'm dating him. Hundreds of thousands of people all around the world support Shawn. I couldn't be more proud of him.

I end up falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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