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Stars had always been a confusing thing for my mind to grasp. I never understood why everyone enjoyed staring up at them, in awe of their supposed twinkling. Whenever I would glance up to see what the fuss was about, the cosmos did nothing but stare back at me, frozen in the nights chilly air. No twinkle, no spark, not even a measly blink. They bored me, so I never gave them a second glance.

It was quite a few years until I looked up at the stars again. I was in the midst of a long standing battle between Alfred and I, a war in which we both succumb to the maliciousness that too much power can breed. In the heat of this, my rise to vengeance, I gazed upon the stars and thought myself to be the ruler of all the Galaxy. The stars then were red, as was the flag of my nation. But when Alfred claimed the cosmos and his victory, I couldn't bring myself to look at the stars again.

That is, until recently. I was sitting in the meeting room, a common place for us nations to discuss world affairs and what not, and as usual I was there well before the meeting was due to start. I always liked to be early so I could observe the others, to keep a mental check on all of my colleagues since none of them were really my friends. It gave me something to do, though I admit it is pretty perplexing. This particular morning I was sipping on some tea when a silly looking girl with familiar blue eyes and sandy blond hair walked in like she owned the place.

"Alfred can't be here today since he got himself sick eating fried butter at a fair. Honestly, is he insane?" She said in a shrill voice.

I chuckled slightly to myself. "It's not unbelievable."

"It IS unbelievable! He didn't even bring me one back, that jerk!" Her lips were pouting, which was honestly kind of endearing

"And just who are you, exactly?" I asked, genuinely interested in this strange girl.

"My name is Amelia, Ivan. Gosh, Alfred hasn't told you about me?"

I never recalled such a name. I certainly didn't recognize her face either. All I was focused on was how much I loved the way she said my name. She actually pronounced it right.

I shook my head, not knowing her at all.

"Well that's a shame, cause I'm not something you want to miss out on!" She winked and laughed, carrying herself out of the room confidently.

She was just like Alfred, ego and all, but there was something more that I couldn't place. Something extra that I saw in her eyes, a little secret there. And that's when I realized it.

That night I stayed outside, even though it was one of the coldest nights of the year, to see if I was right. I had to know her secret, I had to know for sure. And when I looked up at the sky, it didn't disappoint.

There was the same stars that shone in her eyes.

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