eat the churro keith

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Lance: *sticks churro in Keith's face* take it
Keith: no
Lance: *inches closer to his face* eat the churro Keith
Keith: *stands expressionless*
Lance: *licks Keith's face* eat the churro
Keith: *still stands*
Lance: *licks all around Keith's face* take the churro
Keith: no
Lance: take the chUrro LoveR
Keith: no
Lance: *shoves churro in Keith's mouth* take it
Keith: *mumbles* no
Lance: why won't you eat the churro Keith
Lance: *takes the churro out of Keith's mouth*
Lance: why u disown this family
Lance: shame on u
Lance: shaem on ur coww
Keith: i will not eat churro
Lance: eat churro
Keith: no churro
Lance: yes churro
Keith: no churro
Lance: yes churro
Pidge: *takes churro* seriously what the fuck is going on here

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