Meeting my Savior

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... Eddie's hands finally grasped off of my neck. And I could finally fucking breathe!! I took an immense inhale of the fresh air. Oh... how oxygen never tasted so fucking good until now! Yet again another gush of dizziness rushed to my head, making my vision blurry for thirty seconds. When I regained accurate motion, I heard scuffling around me. I turned my head in the direction I heard it from. There was this man I had, obviously, never seen before fighting Eddie. And by the looks of it, the stranger was winning. The man was wearing a black hoodie, beige cargo pants, and black Nike's, but I wasn't completely sure due to the darkness that surrounded us.

The scuffling and mumbles of insults finally stopped. I looked over and saw Eddie layed out unconscience, on the side of the street. The man moved towards me, slowly approaching me and keeping his distance. I looked up at him, trying to see who my rescuer was. But since he was wearing a hat (and his hood was over the hat), the hat's shadow covered the top half of his face.

" Umm... Miss, are you okay?" Even though he only said five words to me, I couldn't help but think his masculine voice sounded so fucking sexy. I muttered yes and quickly got up. Bad idea. The second I got up, I fell right back down on my ass then layed on my back. Oh god not this again! My head started to feel woozy. My eyelids began to get heavier and heavier and my vision was fuzzy. The last thing I remember seeing was the strange man looking down at me, asking over and over again, "Miss, are you okay?" However, I could still feel things for a little while after my sight and hearing drifted away for some strange reason. The last thing I could feel was somebody (my best guess was the man who had stopped his car to help me) pick me up... bridal style, and carried my fat ass all the way to his car. Then I just completely blacked out after that.

* Two Days Later *

I awoke to tubes and wires connected to my left arm. Probably for IV transfer. I looked down at my left wrist and saw a thick white bracelet on it. The bracelet had black letters that wrote "Cedars-Sinai Medical Center" printed all in caps, along with five numbers. Probably my patient code or some shit. As I looked down I noticed I was in one of those Hopsital night gowns. Ugh god, I hated those fucking paper thin gowns. It felt like I was wrapped in a huge paper towel or something. While I tried making myself comfortable on the bed I was assigned to, I heard the door open. I sat up straight, waiting to see who opened the door. The man was white, about 5'9 .He was wearing a grey Kangol hat , his black hoodie was covering the hat. He also had on a baggy white t-shirt and even sagging dark blue jeans. Good thing they weren't skinny jeans. I would've went off on this guy if he was sagging skinny jeans. Who the hell was this guy anyways?

"Oh, you're finally awake. Damn, you were out for two days." He finally spoke out. Wait... that voice sounded so familiar. His voice was so low, but yet very powerful. It was so sexy. Oh fuck, was this guy the one who had pulled over and saved me!? The same man who had beat the shit out of Eddie and carried me to his car?

"Who are you?" My voice sounded so raspy and... just weird. The man seated himself on a metal chair that was placed in the corner of the Hospital's room. He took out a diet Red Bull energy drink out of his hoodie's left pocket and opened the soda. It made one of those crisp, fizzy sounds of all the carbon escaping the aluminum can. The man took a quick sip of the Red Bull. Before he spoke, he licked his lips.

"Well, my name's Marshall. And If you remember, I'm that guy who saved you from that motherfucker who was putting his hands on you. And I'm the one who took you here. " Marshall cleared his throat and took a few more sips out of the Red Bull can.

" Wow. Um... well thank you so much for taking me here and of course beating the shit out of that piece of fucking crap." I wringed my hands together, trying to avoid eye contact.

Marshall cleared his throat once again." Excuse me for asking, but did you know who that guy was?" he asked.

" Yup. He used to be my boyfriend, but I broke up with him three years ago and somehow he still manages to interfere with my fucking life. " I folded my arms, thinking of that scum bag. Marshall didn't say anything, but just sat there, nodding his head in sympathy. Once again, I heard the door open. Who could it be this time? Then I heard little pitter-patters and saw Alex running up to me.

"Mommy!!" He shouted with pure excitement and happiness in his beautiful brown eyes. I saw my best friend Jeffree following behind him. I helped Alex up into my bed and cradled him into my arms. God, how I missed this little guy! I rocked him back and forth.

"Girl, you were knocked out for two whole days. We thought your ass was in a coma!" Jeffree said as he came up to hug me. When he hugged me, I faintly smelled this yummy,but familiar perfume he was wearing.

* A/N: Jeffree is a guy, but wears makeup and woman's (sometime's unisex) clothes. He's not a drag queen,but he's not a transvestite. He's a genre-bender. He's Jeffree Star, bitches ;) *

"Where did you get that perfurme?" I asked him, basking another whiff of it.

"Oh you like it? I got it at Bath & Body Works. It's the Dark Kiss fragrance. Maybe when you can leave this depressing place we can go shopping." Jeffree said. I looked at him funny. Yeah, like I have the money to shop -.-

"I'm broke! And when I can leave, I'm going straight home and spending my time with this little man." I planted a kiss onto Alex's forehead. The room stayed quiet for a little bit until Jeffree turned his head and saw Marshall being invisible and quiet in the corner of the room.

"Oh crap, where are my manners. Hi, I'm Jeffree." Jeffree moved towards Marshall and stuck his hand out to shake.

"Oh hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Marshall." They both shook hands.

"Thank you so freaking much for pulling over and saving her ass. Thank you isn't even enough to express my gratitude. She's like my sister. " Jeffree admitted.

"I just did what any good person would do. " There was an awkward silence starting to surround us.

"Well, I'm going to go out and get something to eat. I'll be back pretty soon." Jeffree gave me a tight hug as well as Alex . He waved goodbye to Marshall.

" Mommy, you were asleep for two days!?" Alex said in his cute,little high pitched voice. I nodded and mumbled, " Mm-hmm".

" You sleepy-head!!" Alex squealed and poked me with his tiny finger. This little boy was so darn adorable. I loved him to death and would do anything to protect him.


"Ms. Delano, you're free to leave. Here are the clothes you came in, followed with your belongings." One of the nurses informed me and left the room. I checked my purse, making sure all of my things were in here. Cellphone: check. Makeup: check. Wallet: check. Same exact amount of money in the wallet: check. I just have a real bad phobia of people lying to me or stealing something from me.

Shit. Jeffree wasn't back yet. Alex was getting sleepy and I thought it would be rude if I would ask Marshall for a ride. I picked up my iPhone and called Jeffree. He didn't answer. After I called him a second time, he picked up.

" Where are you?" I heard lots of chatter in the background, along with heavy music. Please don't tell me he was at a club.

" So, I went into this club just to have a few drinks, and I run into a whole group of friends. I don't think I'm gonna leave any time soon!" Jefree was shouting in order to overpower the loud ass music. " Adore, just have that guy take you. What's his name? Marshmallow or something? Have him drop you off." Before I could even tell him why I didn't want to, he hung up on me. Great. Just fucking great. When I looked at Alex, he was fast asleep on the bed. I would've taken a cab, but here in LA they were so damn expensive. And I am a cheap motherfucker, so I guess I had no choice but to ask Marshall for a ride. When I looked over at him, he was slumped into the chair and quietly snoring. Okay call me a weirdo, but I think it's so cute when people snore quietly. I poked him to try and wake him up. No luck. I tried again, but harder. That time he snapped his head up, blinking rapidly, and looking dazed.

"Hmmm?" he mumbled and looked up at me. Holy fucking shit. His eyes. They were so fucking beautiful. They were like a blue I never even seen before. His eyes were baby blue, but had a tint of grey in them. And his eyelashes... I can't even describe them. They were so long! Longer than mine!

"My friend can't pick me up, so is it alright if you can drop me off?" I asked in a very soft and sweet voice. I didn't know why, but whenever I was asking someone for a favor, I would usually make my voice go higher and sound more sweet.

"Oh yeah, no problem." He got out of the chair and stretched,then yawned. After, he waited by the door. Just as I was grabbing my purse, I noticed I was still in the fucking Hospital's uncomfortable night gown. I looked around to see if there was a bathroom in the room I was in, but there wasn't.

"Oh, um, I don't mean to bother you again, but I need to change. So could you wait outside?" Marshall bobbed his head and left the room.

I took my clothes out of the plastic bag the hospital had placed them in. It was a regular black tank top that fit firmly around my torso, showing a little bit of my stomach, and blue skinny jeans that were faded. Around the thigh area, a good portion of the thread was ripped out, giving my jeans a grunge look. I slipped on my thrashed Vans and tossed out the paper gown. I threw my purse over my shoulder and swooped Alex with the other hand. When I finally exited the room, Marshall noticed me and immediately headed for the door, but kept a slow pace so I could follow and be right behind him.

When we finally got to his car, I was impressed. Wow, a Mustang! I couldn't tell what exact type, but it looked around a 2009 Mustang. This was an expensive car, I could tell. He must have a really good paying job. I buckled Alex in the back seat and hopped into the front passenger side. Ugh, why was it so fucking cold in here? My arms blossomed with goosebumps and I tried my hardest not to shake or chatter my teeth. After Marshall got situated in the car, I asked,"Could you turn the heater on, please?"

"You cold?" He looked at me and noticed I was covered in goosebumps. He clicked on some knobs in the car and finally turned the heater on.

"No, I'm really hot." I said in a sarcastic tone and rolled my eyes, but I smiled letting him know I was playing around and that I'm not a complete bitch. I looked over at him and could've sworn I seen a smile forming on his face, but he swiftly made it vanish. Marshall started his car and made his way to exit the Hospital's parking lot. Before we actually exited the parking lot, he asked me the address to my house. When I gave him it, he punched it into the GPS system that was installed into the car.

"Sorry you have to give me a ride. I usually would take a taxi, but my ass is broke. And on top of that I'm a cheapskate." Marshall let out a gruff chuckle.

"Honestly, it's no problem. " He replied back. He gripped the leather steering wheel tightly with his left hand, focusing on the road. Oooh, I suddenly felt the heat beginning to shower my body. My goosebumps and feeling of coldness quickly disappeared. And the heat was coming from the seat. There was a heater inside the seat I was sitting on!! Call me stupid or whatever, but I never been in or heard of a car that has heaters in it's seats. As I observed Marshall carefully, I noticed he was wearing a silver Rolex Watch. WTF... those were like a thousand dollar watches. I wonder where he worked at. And how much it paid. As my thoughts pondered off, I came up with this crazy ass idea that he was possibly a drug dealer... because they make some good money. I don't know why, but I accidentally blurted out my thought. I fucking loathed when I would accidentally think out loud. I blurted "Are you some kind of drug dealer or something?" I know... I'm a dumb fuck. Marshall's head quickly turned and he gave me a funny look by raising his eyebrow

"Why do you think that?" he asked, looking puzzled.

"Well, I noticed you have a lot of expensive things. It was just a stupid thought. But seriously, where do you work?" I looked over at him and noticed his finger was tapping on the steering wheel. And he stayed quiet for about ten seconds before speaking. Then he cleared his throat.

"The music industry." he said under his breath. Oh my god!? That was so fucking cool. I loved music- and I'm pretty sure everybody else on this planet loves music too -.- . I had a really deep passion for it. I honestly can't describe my love and appreciation for music and anybody involved in making it.

"What exactly do you do?" I asked, eager to learn what his career was. Marshall took his time answering and didn't respond immediately. He even looked kinda nervous to answer back.

"Um... I'm a,uh, a rapper." He cleared his throat once again. Oh... a rapper. I wasn't a huge fan of Hip Hop or the Rap genre. There were a few songs I really did enjoy from some rappers, but I mainly listened tp Punk Rock and Classic Rock.

"I hope you're not lying to me. " Again, Marshall looked at me puzzled. He scrunched his eyebrows together, confused by my comments.


I took a a huge breath and sighed.

"I hate being lied to. It's one of my biggest phobias. Just making sure." I admitted to him. Then I smiled, doing my best to be friendly.

" Well, I'm actually a rapper. " He firmly stated, and still focusing on the road.

"That's cool. How long have you been rapping?"

"Since I was around fourteen, so twenty six years." Marshall told me. I cocked an eyebrow up and stared at him. How freaking old was this guy?

"Excuse me for asking... but um, how old are you?" He scratched the back of his head with his right hand and let out a faint chuckle.

"Let's just say I'm thirty. ", ... "Nah, I'm actually forty years old." He finally admitted to me.

WHAT THE HOLY FUCK!!?? He did not look forty at all!! I didn't believe him this time. Uh-uh, I wouldn't believe him. He looked thirty freaking years old!

"You are not forty. C'mon, be serious. " I nudged him on the shoulder, he gave me a blank stare and said, " I'm actually forty. I'm not lying." Holy shit. Well clearly this guy actually found the fucking Youth Fountain! Hope I can get directions to it.

We still had a long way to go, maybe about fifteen more minutes to my house. The hospital I was taken to was about twenty minutes away from my house. I looked back and saw little Alex sleeping in the back. I could never get over how fucking adorable and cute he was. I laughed to myself, thinking all the cute things he did.

"Your kid's really cute." Marshall randomly told me.

"Oh thank you. And I know. This one time he was singing and dancing to this one song by Fergie... and oh my god, it was the most cutest fucking thing ever!" I eagerly told him, remembering when he did it, which was not too long ago. For a few minutes, there was silence in the car. And there was even no it was really awkward.

"Who's your son's father? ... If you don't mind me asking." Marshall asked out of the blue. It made me think of his dead beat father. That fucking low life. I hated his guts so much. If I didn't have Alex, I would probably still be with his psychopathic ass.

"The same fucker who you beat the shit out of." I said in a very solid tone. I don't even know why Eddie found some way to interfere with my life. I moved away a few times, but he's always figured out where I live. How? I don't know. The last time he beat the shit out of me was when I declared our break up, so it was three years ago. Usually when he finds me, he apologizes for every bad thing he has every done to me, then starts screaming and yelling and even threatens me. But once I threaten to call the cops, he usuallly goes away for a little bit. If he died, I would be glad and wouldn't feel any remorse.

"Oh shit. Wow, um... I'm sorry I even asked."

"Nah, it's alright. I don't give a fuck about that guy anymore. I can't believe I actually loved him once, huh. " I spat out. I don't know why, but I kept talking about it to this guy I barely even knew.

"It's just confusing how you could fall for somebody so easily and still believe you guys were meant for each other, even though you give them everything and they give you nothing in return. It's just fucking baffling." Silence surrounded both of us for a little bit. Until Marshall quietly mumbled something.

"I've been down that road, too. It fucking sucks." He confessed to me. I looked at him, surprised he's also had someone fuck him over.


Marshall parked his car in front of my apartment complex and walked me to my door. When we finally arrived on my door steps, Marshall and I just stood there awkwardly for a little bit.

"Well, thank you so, soo much for everything you have done. Just thank you. I guess this is goodbye." I gave him an unexpected hug. When I first hugged him, his body stiffened and was alert, but after he realized I only wanted to give him a harmless hug, he loosened up, and hugged me back. When he stopped hugging and looked at one another, I saw him blushing. He immediately put his head down and stared at the ground.

"Have a good night, bye." I waved him goodbye and shut the door. I put Alex to bed and changed into my pajamas, which was a baggy tank top that read "Keep Calm, I'm a Mermaid!" over my black thong which had a Crimson red lacing. For a good while, I couldn't stop thinking of Marshall. His dreamy, big blue eyes could not leave my mind, nor could his sexy voice. I wish I could've asked him for his number or something, maybe get to know him better or some shit. He probably didn't even like me anyways. I was a tall, skinny girl that he saved from my abusive ex-boyfriend that had a kid from the same guy and whose hair was the same color as Ketchup. On top of that, my throat and face was badly bruised from Eddie. Yeah... wasn't I to die for? Although, the bruises were beginning to fade away. A little while later, I passed out on my couch.

* Marshall's POV *

I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her name was Adore Delano. And the only way I knew that was because after she went unconscience and I had to take her to the Hospital, I had to look through her wallet and get her name and shit. Plus I had to call her friend Jeffree up (he was the last one she texted before that day). She was just so beautiful, despite all the bruises on her face... and all the makeup I saw in her purse. She wasn't wearing any makeup that night I'd found her. Her eyes are what made me fall for her. They were a glossing, Hazel color. A mix of brown and a piercing green color that surrounded her pupils. Even though she was going through a rough time for the moment, her eyes seemed bright , even through the dark, when I took she and her son home. Oh, and her son, Alex. Fuck, he was really adorable. That was another thing that made me like her even more: she was taking care of a kid on her own. When she hugged him, the love that she showed him when he ran up to her is when I knew she cared for that little guy. Right before I got home, I realized she left her purse on the passenger's seat. I smiled to myself, knowing I'd get another chance to see her, and hopefully get her number - What the fuck, Marshall!? I barely met this chick two days ago, actually saved this chick two days ago. Officially met her earlier today, and I already wanted her goddamn number! Man, I needed to get ahold of myself. I could feel those fucking feelings coming back to me. The same ones I got for Kim and Kesia. Oh fuck, who the hell was I trynna kid? I would not stop thinking of Adore for the whole night and even had fucking trouble sleeping. I was gonna go get her number tomorrow...

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