Chapter One

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Mark lay in bed staring at the ceiling and sighed. It had been a year today. The memory still hurt, but not as much as before. He'd learnt to deal with it. The driver wasn't looking where they were going, the doctors did all they could, but still...

He let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes. He missed Jack sorely and he was scared he was starting to forget about him. What was his favorite music? His favorite cartoon? Silly little things that were slipping away bit by bit and soon, like Jack, would be gone.

Since the incident Mark had sat and watched through almost all of Jack's videos. He wanted to feel close to him again, like he was just a Skype call away and that nothing had happened. Like the last time he had seen him, he wasn't in a coffin. He still had all their texts saved. All the stupid dick jokes and midnight conversations. He knew he should probably delete them. It wasn't healthy to hold on to the past, but he couldn't find the strength to let go.

He didn't tell anyone that he still thinks about Jack so much. All of his friends had all just about moved on, barring the occasional mention of "Jack would've loved the new game from Square Enix" or "What do you think Jack would have thought about the new season of Rick and Morty?"

Rick and Morty.

That was it, right?

Mark rubbed his eyes and sat up. He felt a slight dampness on his fingers and cursed himself. He shouldn't still be upset. Or at least that was what he kept telling himself. Jack wouldn't want him to still be hung up over it, surely.

He got out of bed and stretched. Something felt... Strange. He frowned slightly and walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a shirt and a pair of pants. He stopped and furrowed his eyebrows.

It felt cold, but it was the middle of summer. Kind of like someone was blowing cold air down the back of his neck. He shivered and pulled on a hoodie as well. Hopefully he'd warm up soon. He headed downstairs and started making himself breakfast. He glanced out the windows and that just made him more confused. The sun was beating down, he should have been warm at least. He put the box of cereal down and walked out into his garden to see if he warmed up any out there.

Nope, nothing. Still the same chilliness as before. He shook his head and walked back into the house.

"You're making a big deal out of nothing..." He muttered to himself and went to pick up the cereal.

His hand grabbed air and he tilted his head slightly, confused. The box had been there a minute ago, that's where he put it down, but it had gone. He turned around and looked over the counter tops.

'Did I just put it somewhere else..?' He thought. He looked over at his shelves and there it was. Closed and put back in it's place.

Okay, now he was freaked out. He took the box off the shelf and inspected it. It was like he hadn't touched it.

He shook his head and told himself to snap out of it. His mind must have been playing tricks on him.

Mark made his breakfast, sat down, and pulled out his phone. He opened Twitter and the first things he saw were memorial posts for Jack. Fanart, quotes, and simple thank you's. He smiled softly. "They still miss you, buddy..." He said quietly. He took a bite of his cereal and started writing a tweet. There was so much he wanted to say but he just couldn't find the words.

In the end he just put Jack's birth date, his death date and added 'rest easy, till we meet again.' underneath it.

He pressed tweet, finished off his cereal and put the bowl in the sink, deciding to wash it later. He went upstairs and went into his recording room. He sat down and closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind. He breathed out and cleared his throat.

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