Chapter 1: Let's Play

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It's Tuesday. Probably the most boring day of the week. It's because that the class has civic education, which everybody hates. Their teacher, Ms. Yush, is so boring that everytime she opens her mouth, there's at least one person that goes to sleep. But fortunately, her exam isn't too hard or something. There's only a few people that often get remedials for her subject.

"Okay class, today we're going to the library." Ms. Yush said. The class begins to cheer and high five each other. "You're all going to do a project about constitution. Write an essay about how important constitution is for our country in 10 paragraphs." She said.

As they begin to walk out of the classroom and go to the library, they chat to each other about it.

Josephine: "Oh my God, I'm too tired to write essays right now."

Ed: "Yeah, same here. I can't believe she's that crazy, telling us to do a 10 paragraph essay."

Tiffany: "I know, right? She's out of her mind! And what if I don't finish it, I mean, I don't really care about civic education, but I care about my grades! What if I fail, and, I don't succeed high school, and, my parents are going to KILL me!"

Josephine: "Tiffany. Relax. You're not going to fail. She's not that kind of teacher, remember? And if you have difficulty, I'll help you. You're my best friend."

Tiffany: "Aww, thank you, Josephine. I'm so glad I have a friend like you."

As they arrive at the library, they take their seats as they want and start to write their essay. 10 minutes have past, and they haven't started to write anything.

Josephine: "Wow. 10 minutes and I still haven't got anything yet."

Tiffany: "Yep, I'll fail high school."

Then, Josephine heard someone whisper to her.

Ed: "Hey, Josephine. Wanna play Werewolf?"

Josephine: "Do I look like I'm gonna continue my essay?"

Ed giggled.

Ed: "Okay, we're going to play with Ongky, Cella, Toby, Yezki, Nadine, Angel, Kelly, and Jason. Is that okay?"

Josephine: "Uhh, Jason? You know he's annoying, right? I don't even think he knows the rules."

Ed: "Yeah, but the more the merrier, right?"

Josephine rolls her eyes playfully.

Josephine: "Okay, Ed. And can I ask Tiffany to play, too?"

Ed: "Of course you can."

Josephine asks Tiffany to play. Tiffany hesitates for a second, but accepts to play. They all gather in a circle, making sure Ms. Yush doesn't see them.

Jason: "What are we going to play??"

Toby: "Dude, keep your voice down, okay? We don't want to get caught. We'll play Werewolf."

Nadine: "Werewolf? Omg Angel, why didn't you tell me we're going to play Werewolf? That's like the most boring game ever."

Angel: "Come on, Nadine. It's gonna be fun."

Cella: "Yeah, Nadine. You won't play because you know you'll lose. Or do you even know how to play it? You seem like the person who doesn't play games."

Josephine: "Shh, Cella. Be nice to others, okay?"

Cella: "Josephine, don't act like you don't know her. You know it's true."

Cella laughed.

Yezki: "Ehm, question. Does anyone here have the character cards?"

Ongky: "Got it right here, Mr. Smartypants."

Yezki: "Yes, but no need to call me that, Ongky."

Ongky giggled.

Ongky: "Okay, everyone knows the rules, right?"

They all look at each other.

Ongky: "Hey Kelly. You know how this game works? I know you're quiet, but this game needs a lot of acting going on."

Kelly nodded and smiled to Ongky.

Ongky: "Okay great. Anybody else?"

Jason: "Uhm, actually, I've never played Werewolf."

Toby groaned.

Toby: "Then why didn't you say anything, dumbass?"

Ongky: "It's okay, Toby. Since I'm the moderator, I can explain the rules. First there's the Werewolf. Werewolves, actually. There will be 2 Werewolves. The Werewolves kill one person they want each night. Then there's the Doctor, who choose a person to be healed, and that person must be the one he or she felt the victim would be. Then there's the Spy, who can open a person's card who he or she felt to be the Werewolf. Then there's the Clown, who made people think that he or she's the Werewolf. And once the Clown's killed by votes, the game is over."

Jason: "Hmm. Okay. I think I get what their jobs are."

Ongky: "Okay, great. Now I'm going to shuffle these character cards and give them to you guys."

As Ongky shuffled the cards, they all were asked to keep their eyes closed until Ongky told them to open their eyes.

Toby: "Give me the Werewolf card, Ongky. Because I really want one person here to die, muahahahaha."

Jason: "Don't give it to him, give it to me, give it to meee!!"

Toby groaned.

Josephine: "Toby, don't be so mean."

Josephine laughed.

Ongky: "Okay, you can all open your eyes and see your cards."

They all open their eyes and see. They stay silent to avoid suspicious behaviours.

Ongky: "Okay you guys got it? Now I'll take your cards in order."

As Ongky takes their cards, Ms. Yush caught them not doing their essay."

Ms. Yush: "What are you doing?!"

They all look up to see Ms. Yush mad.

Ed: "We're just discussing our essay!"

Ms. Yush: "Essay? Discussed? And what are those cards?!"

They all stay silent.

Ms. Yush: "I'm going to take them. Give it to me."

Ongky hesitated, but later he gave it to her. They've never seen her that mad before. As she left, they went speechless.

Jason: "Nooo we're not going to play??"

Toby: "Can you just stay silent for a second? Jeez."

Josephine: "Honestly, that's the most scariest shit ever. I didn't know she could be THAT mad."

Ed: "Yeah, did you see her face?"

Cella: "Duh, but it's still funny tho."

Angel: "Hahaha, yeah. But she got the cards."

Ongky: "That's okay. We just gotta wait. But we'll continue when we get the cards back, right? Everybody got their characters?"

They all nodded.

Ongky: "Good. We'll play again later."

They got up and continue their essay. The bell rang, and they returned to their classroom.

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