The Crimson Curse

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"What are you doing? Follow the car!" Catastrophe shouted, when Kloss swerved towards a street on the right. 

"Trust me, we'll meet him on the other side." The biker replied calmly, twisting on the handle bar, as she watched the Vespa disappear out of view, in pursuit of the car.

"But the car isn't our mark...she is. Besides, we can't get involved with the mob." Swift moped as they sped through the street on to the other main road. Karlie spotted the black car that the puny mob man was in and the Vespa right behind them. 

"I know that, but she'll lose sight of him in no time. She needs us to be able to keep tabs."

Kloss tailed the car closely, watching in her mirrors as the red head sped towards them, puzzlement showing on her face.

"She'll think we're with him." Catastrophe said, slowly seeing her point. 

"Exactly. She'll come right to us. We wont get involved, don't worry." The fighter assured the blonde as she continued to watch the red head's moves.
"What did you say her name was?" Kloss asked, looking at the yellow Vespa tailing them as they sped further into New Jersey. 

"She calls herself the Crimson Curse, I've heard." Karlie could hear the smug smile in Swift's voice. 

"I can see that." Kloss grinned when the Vespa was neck and neck with her bike. They were riding at a dangerously fast speed but Karlie couldn't care less.

 She loved high speed situations, she especially loved the feeling of Cat clutching her shoulders as if her life depended on it. You can't be serious, snap out of it, evil human.

There were many instances when the Vespa fell behind, but the girls made sure to say just in sight so that she could double back on the right track and follow them instead. Nice one, Kloss. The fighter told herself.

The car in front of them was now driving a little too wildly, probably upon noticing that there was an additional super bike after him. This was the point of a third party, the other two assumed that they were with the enemy, which wasn't good for someone who didn't want to get involved, but it was great if you wanted to know first hand how either of them handled the situation. The car swerved into an alley with the bike and the Vespa hot on its tail.

Karlie could see Crimson pluck up the courage to speed up to them, her frustration getting slightly out of hand now. "She's coming for us." Swift said slowly, she had been quiet up till now, keeping her eye on the mirror and the driver of the car simultaneously. Her fingers slightly released Karlie's shoulder in anticipation.

Yeah but what does she plan to do when she gets to the car?

"Oh shit." Karlie echoed, she could see the girl reaching to the bag fastened on the Vespa, near her legs. She squinted, trying to make out why in the dark of the night. "I think she has a gun."

"If anything I've seen is true, I don't think she's going for a gun right now." said Catastrophe, just as Karlie spotted a shiny metal piece in Crimson's hand already in position to be thrown at them. "Watch the tyres." advised the blonde, pushing an earpiece into her ear. 

Aw man I just replaced them last week!

"We should leave, she's close enough now anyway." Kloss said nervously, an anxious laugh escaping her lips that had the blonde behind chuckling merrily. 

Oh so now she's not scared for her life is she? She's about to be sushi, judging by those blades. Kloss veered off the road, taking to the side-walk, just as Crimson had thrust the blade right at them.

Knocked Out ( Kaylor Fanfiction )~on hold~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora