They'd never get it anyway.

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Week 1.

Week 2.

Week 3. Oh and we got 9th place.

Week 4.

"Congratulations! You are this week's X Factor winner!!"

So now we're at Week 5.

Oh and Vic's PMSing. Must be her time of the month.

"One Direction."

Ahh memories.


The five boys walk in. And that's what ruins us for the rest of the competition.

"Number one songs."

"We've picked Baby Hit Me One More Time." The cameras pan on us but I don't think we care.

"WHAT?!" Vic starts.

"Umm. Let me think. What about hell no," Lis adds.

"Seriously? We FINALLY get to first place and this happens??" Chris stares at them disbelievingly.

"Okay really." Is all I say.

"Unless you want me to repeat everything they all said in saying nothing." Tiff crosses her arms, annoyed.

"Oh really? And what do you suggest?" Louis sasses.

Oh crap.

Didn't think about that.

"Thought so," he mutters. Vic goes into deep thought while the camera turns off and they explain to us what they plan on.

"Okay shall we start with the singing?"

"Guys, have you seen our live shows?"

"We haven't been allowed to," Harry replies. Oh.

Okay. Show off mode: on.

They won't know what hit them.

"Tiff, lead us please." We give Tiff the look and she nods.

So she goes and hits really high notes which are better than I thought she could.

Vic starts. Let's destroy these people's egos.

I hit whistle tones, we don't harmonise in fear of messing up and just impress with solo vocals. In the end, they're pretty shocked.

"Wow. So maybe you could do a harder song." Liam admits.

"You don't say," I sass.

"Who cares? I think it's a great song. Now let's go! Since you guys are so good we could drop choreography in." I give Vic the 'what-the-heck-did-you-see-in-him' look and she gives the 'I-know-right' look.


"Left, right, front, front! Right left, up down! And keep going!!"

"Girls, all the enthusiasm is gone! Last week you girls were so good! What happened?" We spill. He laughs when we're done.

"You boys," he points at 1D "are idiots. 'Nuff said."

"Then WHAT SONG?!" Louis yells.

"Give them time. Usually they start practising on the 2nd or 3rd day. It's better for them."

"Well I don't think it is," Zayn interjects.

"Yeah! It never works!" Niall adds. Us girls shake our heads.

"Look, forget it, okay?" I stop the fight and go back in place.


"So? Any ideas?" It's the fourth day.

"Nope." Vic sighs.

"I CAME IN LIKE A WREEEEECKING BALLLLLLLL!!" Camilla shrieks, running away with... is that Harry's underwear??

"HEYY!!" He chases after her. Vic stops.

"Wrecking ball."



"NO! IT'S TOO LATE!" Harry booms. God no it's not. The instructor gives me a look to shut up so I do. Chris looks at Harry with a 'I don't know you' expression.

It's sad they don't believe in us.

After we're released after practice, the instructor holds us back.

"Here's the harmonies for Wrecking Ball. We'll practice tomorrow. 1D is busy." We nod.


"I came in like a..." Nic slaps her thighs in a drumroll way.

"Wrecking Ball!" We harmonise. "I've never hit so hard in love!" We practice till 1am with all the parts and editions figured out.

The next morning, we submit our intentions and practice with it. We plan some choreography.

"We need something big, something with a bam! Otherwise this is not going to work."


"I HAVE THISSS!!" Grace, our little assistant, yells. There're wrecking balls. It has a flat surface to stand on with steps to go down. It's cushiony except the plank and the steps.

"It's great."


"...we have New Cali Girls." Uncle Si announces. 1D is watching. They don't know about the change but they don't need to. All the video shows is us quarrelling with 1D and immediately I know we're dead.

Ever heard of Directioners?

"Okay girls, do your best but don't give your all. We're gonna be bottom two." The girls nod in understanding. We hit the stage.

We perform Wrecking Ball and the best part finally comes with the cushiony balls coming up and pretending to whack us unconscious.

We get up, and we look at the boys, all in shock.

"I'm disappointed. Why didn't you listen to your mentors? They're supposed to help you!" Demi says.

It's no point explaining. They'd never get it.

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