What I've Always Wanted

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I've always wanted to be a Uni student.

I was going to study politics and make it out in this world.

This thought crosses my mind as I get ready for an interview.

Who am I living for?

What am I doing here?

Putting on a headband, the fury stuck in my heart burns into my veins. Why did I choose this route? Because I could be a part of Modest!'s game? Because Louis will never hurt me?

Yeah right, Vic. Yeah right.

Suddenly, my reflection isn't so pretty anymore. Suddenly I feel like my face is caked with makeup. I feel fake. I feel stupid for not thinking this through and working by instinct.

"Hey Vic, ready?" I stare at Lis. My gaze hardens as I robotically slip on my heels. She knows what I'm thinking about. She always wanted to study medicine and help others. Not this. Not getting stuck in a world of lies.

Not this.

After the interview, (nothing got through my head) One Direction were sitting around, writing a song. I took the guitar from Louis without a word. He looked at me, worried as I run off with everyone behind talking about 'ohh's. I shake my head. They had to know the pain was beating on me like a drum. They had to know that they took my life and messed with it. And they had to know I'd gladly do the same.

"She's an actress, ohh!" My fingers run across the fretboard and in minutes, a song is up. Better Than Revenge.

"That is one angry song."

"I'm mad."

"I can tell. You see, you're still doing this for yourself."

"Like real. This is all an act. It's like the freaking Hunger Games and I ain't Katniss."

"Do you believe in me?"

"That depends."

"Do you believe in yourself?"

"Hell no."

"See? That's where you're going wrong. Maybe deep inside there's something in you. Faith, I think it's called. Who said politics was the only way to go?"

"Who said being stuck with Modest was the right way to go?"

"Who said it wasn't?"

All Modest! wants to do is get rid of me now. They spend time on One Direction but let's just say they're failing because we are the youngest people to win Album of the Year in the Grammys and the first girl group, I think. Although the Spice Girls would've won something... right...

Whatever the case, we're doing a pretty good job on our own record.

"You know why you five were brought here? You're killing them. One by one. You're freeing everyone stuck with them. Maybe that's why you came here."

"How about me?" I stand up. "This true love thing doesn't work. It doesn't!"

"So are you breaking up with me?"

"Not if you don't want to!"

I go into the bathroom and clean my makeup. I grab my bag and Lis is there, motioning for us to get out of here. I nod, following suit.


"Mum, how are you?" I ask.

"I'm fine. And you are not. What's up?"

"Ehh... I just feel... stuck in a game of lies, I guess." My mum laughs. She flipping laughs.

"Well, honey, it is the life you have chosen."

"Don't remind me."

"Oh, remind you I will."

"Why couldn't I just be a student?" I ask, desperate for an answer. My mother only chuckles.

"Give me a minute, I'll send something to you."

Minutes later, I'm in an iMessage group chat with Louis and my mum. My mum sent a video. I look at it.


"Honey, what do you want to be when you grow up?" My mum asks a 7 year old me.

"I want to be a singer!" I squeal back, much to my surprise.

"Well you know it's not going to be easy. There'll be mean people, and you won't always succeed."

"I'm brave, momma. I can be a singer! I'll be different and I'll be good, but not too good."

"Well okay then." The video ends.


So... my instincts were my dreams talking? My mum explains in a long message she convinced me otherwise as I grew up, and I slowly forgot about this little dream of mine I had. I couldn't believe it.

I remember the drive I had in the studio. Every new song brought adrenaline, and every song I didn't like, I wasn't afraid to bash and criticise it. None of us were. It was second nature to us, and we didn't even notice it! One Direction worked so hard, but deep inside, the five of us have something that just gets us to it. It gets us to our end point.

I've always wanted to be a singer.


I'm sorry! I couldn't resist adding in a one shot for no reason:D

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