Cressstar prayer

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Leapleg looked at her as she had finished as he looked he begone to speak that white flash is something that can stop the clan from all this death let's hope and pray we find her/him. What this cat\dog is not here she had screeched at him he just replied just pray cresstar just pray to starclan. Her shock was clearly on her face no she needed a  place to pray it hit her the moonstones  it was half a day away she would at sunhigh with her brother with his new apprentice which she would give him now and one more a dog her favorite guy her deputy. Just the her deputy walk up to her and she told him everything as his jaw dropped is walked and jumped on top or her den and let out a yowl Let a cats and dogs old enough to catch their own pray come for a clan meeting. As all cats and dogs gathered her deputy came and sat at the bottom her rock which was called meeting rock. finally everyone had gathered and stared to talk I cresstar have seen that tigerkit is six moons old . It is time he became a apprentice tigerkit come forward as he came forward slowly his moms eyes shown with pride . As he hit the bottom of meeting rock she she asked him if he was ready to be a apprentice and learn about the warrior code. He nodded and so from this moment until you become a warrior you we be know as tigerpaw. Tigerpaw tigerpaw tigerpaw was cheered with a look all the cats and  dogs went quite spineclaw you have a lot of knowledge and you know how to push through what is hard will you pass that on to tigerpaw. all he said was yes and touch noses with tigerpaw. now one more thing now i cressstar will had to the moons stone and i will bring Spineclaw and tigerpaw and last of all my deputy. Nightclaw  Spineclaw we are leaving after you guys stat up the patrols for tonight and eat some traveling herbs. As they left tigerpaw was bouncing up and down but by the time we got there the she-cat was dragging her paws she and spineclaw was left to guard outside and she entered with nightclaw  and that hit the opening to where the moon shown in with a flash of light  the place was filled with light. She walked to the middle and touched her nose the the rock and she fail into a dream. In this dream when she opened her eyes she was i the fourtrees than bobstar was with her cresstar how are you she had replied good I had a dream about death and blood and something clam and cleaned it up Leapleg said it was a cat\dog him her but they would stop all that death and blood i am here to help fined the animal all he said was she was coming then she awoke with a start and headed back to the clan.      

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