Chapter 2:Terriman Furrington

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Late at nighttime in Zubets maximum security prison, it was a silent day as I lay awake on my prison bed. All by myself in this cell. The rest of the day have been lost as my freedom came to an end after rebelling the terrorist regime who called the Darkened Regime. The series of flashbacks rained through my mind remembering the moments I failed to save several of my comrades in the midst of war. Then at times I have saved several tishlis in a burning building just barely before it collapsed down to smokes. Using my strong fists to brawl through aggression, I became the top valor among my allies. Punching soldiers after soldiers of the enemy. My fists coated with blood as I beat them up nonsense and brutally. I even recalled the days I cracked open few skulls and tentacles as I fought. I fought the elites that took part in the role, knocking them flying to buildings, walls, and even used them as weapons against other foes. We had the upperhand until the leader, Lord Darkwing Shadowsypher showed up along with the commanders and additional reinforcements. Then everything went down. Wielding that long axe, the leader unleashed such force that sends few of the warriors on my side flying into buildings. Then start slashing away one-handed as the other armed with a heavy equalizer that fires ammo at an alarming rate, butchering majority of the allied soldiers right in front of me. I quickly took action by rushing up to him and pounced on him down. Throwing few punches in as he screams and struggles. I roar out in aggression before I got electrocuted by an equalizer shocker. My body staggered as I lost control of it as Darkwing countered quickly by shoving me aside as he got back on his feet...

"Get your god damn filthy paws off me you ugly fat doggy bastard!" He replied, with that violent look. "Capture him and arrest him in the maximum prison! Then execute him out at the courtyard!"

Again I got hit by the shocker equalizer as I turned to see one of the commanders, Commander Darkenstorm and Darkenpuff armed with it. Then I weakly turned my head to see Darkendale signaled the darksoldiers and darkmarines as he directed his finger at me...

"Arrest this violent thug!"

"Yes sir!"

They rushed in and handcuffed me and that's how I ended up today, as the end of my flashback episode.

Later, I heard the door from the left slammed open along with rapid aggressive loud stomping footsteps coming in. I hopped out of the bed to see at my cell through the metal bars what is going on. I heard several loud commanding voices as I saw the darksoldiers of various kindred opened every cell within this section freeing the POWs. One of the soldiers came to mine...

"You there, ally hero baihu, you are free out of your cell..."

I slightly have my hopes up when he said that, but until he said.... 

"... Only to be dragged and executed at in the courtyard in the middle of the dark with the rest of the allied freaks!"

Before he can lay a hand on me, I quickly reacted physically headbutting him. Following up by combos of punch and kick that knock him out cold. The rest of the soldiers saw what happened as I immediately dashed in on them...

"That POW is going insane, put him down! PUT DO-AHHHHHHHHH!"

Hearing the darksoldiers scream in agony is the sound of my old self coming back as I used to be back at war. The rest of the POWs joined me as we all fought the soldiers, eliminating them all out cold. We stripped their attires along with some of the equipment on them. Disguised as the darksoldiers, we all quickly moved through the hallway of the maximum security prison. I spotted another group of darksoldiers gathering about 30 POWs from the intersecting hallway. We all charged at them as they aren't armed at all, knocking them all unconscious as the rest of the freed POWs free the others.

Altogether I lead the prison riot, rushing to escape this damned building. Waves after waves of darksoldiers, darkmarines, darkpolice, and darkrangers all appeared throughout the prison as well fought them. As the alarm sounded, we luckily overpowered them as we got equalizers and extra survival items.

Surviving Terror in Zahnradजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें