Chapter 14

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Once we were off the salt it didn’t take long for us to find more people. News had travelled that the international peace market had been attacked but it was just by a neutral monster so no wars would be started over it. From what Zann said it sounded like there were enough wars going on as it was and it would be impossible to fit any new ones in there anyway.

Zann’s uniform received varied reactions. Some people would give him money and thank him profusely while he stood there looking completely embarrassed and turning down their offers. Others would spit at his feet as they passed, hatred burning in their eyes.

“Traitor,” a man snarled before rushing my master with his great stone-like fists.

Caught completely off guard, Zann stumbled back and took a heavy punch to his jaw before I could hurl a hummingbird forward. The magic struck and cracked like a whip, sending the man flying. I was trying my very hardest not to kill him. Morai just stood nonchalantly to the side as if it were something she was used to seeing every day.

Zann gently placed me on the ground, muttering “No more” then rushed over to help the man up. I looked on with confusion. Already a purple line was forming on Zann’s skin and yet he repeated “Sorry, so sorry,” over and over again. The man on the ground moaned and retreated as soon as he found his footing.

Once we were continuing on our way, Zann sighed. “You can’t do that to people, Treel.”

“I thought it was great,” the girl said. I frowned at her. I would help her only because she would help me. I didn’t need her support, even if she wasn’t one of the despicable humans.

“People have done far worse to me. And anyway, he was going to kill you, shall I let the next one succeed?”

“He wasn’t going to kill me.” Zann rubbed the bruise.

“He was going to kill you,” said Morai.

Zann stopped. “We’re here. I’ll be right back.”

Here was nothing more than a point where two rocky slopes met. There were dozens of humans lazing about in the sun, far too many for my liking. Zann walked off toward them, leaving the two of us.

Morai picked me up off the ground and received a good-natured bite in the hand for her troubles. She didn’t complain though blood streamed from the wound, she didn’t place me back down.

“This is when I need you to help me.” She whispered into my face. Her breath streamed purple and wrapped around my head. I waved it around as it threatened to go up my nose.

I bared my teeth at her. “Your tricks won’t work on me, pooka.”

She chuckled. Then ignored what I said, though the purple air did seem to dissipate somewhat.

“He is getting you an entry pass, past the sniffer. Now, if you transfer that to me they’ll sniff you out and let me in.”

I raised an eyebrow. “What happens if they sniff you out?”

She shrugged. “They’ll take you away and remove the contract between you and Zann. What happens after that you have to figure out yourself.”

My eyes widened. Grey had never spoken of someone else being able to take away the binding one you gave your name. That being said, perhaps he just didn’t know. He hardly left the tree even though Rowan would constantly be trying to drag him out. He had never known anyone to be bound, he admitted that he hardly knew anything about it just that it was bad. I glanced back at Morai. Her eyes were sincere and believable. Hints of purple smoke appeared in my eyes.

Morai’s head tilted and she glanced up at the sound of footsteps. “Good to go?”

“Good to go,” I repeated. She set me on the ground.

“Hold this,” Zann reached down and gave me a small wooden disk. On both sides were inscribed seals and signs that meant nothing whatsoever to me.

He set off toward the middle of all the people, giving some a few nervous nods. Morai’s footsteps sounded loudly behind me. I glanced back to make sure she wouldn’t step on me to find her hand reaching out.

“Quick!” Her voice was hardly a whisper and yet the urgency was very apparent.

With Zann focused on what was ahead I handed the disk over.

The entranceway was nearly invisible unless one was right on top of it. Instantly my stomach turned as I looked down the stairs leading deep into the earth. It was bad enough not being able to be up in the branches and now they expected me to descend beneath the very earth? Zann disappeared into the darkness. I stopped at the top, my stomach moving to my throat.

Morai kicked me.

I wondered as I tumbled down the cold stone steps if it had been on accident. Perhaps she didn’t see me standing there. Or went to step and accidently knocked me. Perhaps I was just taking too long and all she meant was a little shove. I fell past Zann, rolling and bouncing down the steps. He let out a yell and scrambled to catch me.

My head finally cracked on a step and there I stayed. Zann was at my side in an instant. I feared he would step on me though doubted that would hurt more than my less-than-graceful descent. I didn’t have to worry too much though, once out of the beaming sunlight it was easy to see the torch lit stairs fall further into the earth.

I smiled. I wanted to chuckle but the pain everywhere protested too much. I smiled because I wondered what Rowan would think of me underground. Me who complained constantly when he would leave the branches for the ground. He would believe it impossible when I told him. And I would tell him soon, Morai said.

Zann was saying something but I didn’t understand him. He looked very worried and was moving shifting me around as if looking for something. He called out, panicked. More footsteps approached, some heavy wearing armour. One set light as it sped past into the abyss.


I coughed out a plume of purple smoke. I scowled. The pain’s intensity increased. Zann was arguing with a man dressed the same way as he was, waving around and pointing at me.

Without warning Zann scooped me up into his arms and raced down the stairs as fast as he could go. I couldn’t make out what he was screeching but he was making a lot of noise.

Then all other sound stopped and there was just one. It nearly stopped my heart right there as it tore into my very being. It hammered through my head, hitting against the back of my eyes. Zann seemed to hear it too but that made him run faster.

From the mouth of the entrance came a howl.

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