Chapter Three

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Lance seemed to make it a habit to come visit the store and Keith was starting to get used to it. Eventually Lance stopped coming only to buy flowers and started having actual conversations with Keith. Keith actually kind of liked the company. Allura was great company of course but she wasn't always there with Keith and the change was kind of nice. He learned early on that Lance could talk a lot, and he could ramble on for a pretty long time.

While he appreciated the background noise, he found that the more Lance talked about himself the more he was starting to like him. Lance told him so much about himself, about his large family, about his friends, about his job. It was all really interesting, and Keith was starting to feel like he'd known hum longer than he really had. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he knew he was developing some kind of feelings for Lance.

As for Lance, the most he knew about Keith wasn't very much. He knew Keith's brother was dating the store's owner, and he knew Keith seemed to enjoy reading. Almost every week he had a different book on him. It was more than a little clear to him that Keith didn't talk about himself too much. He also seemed one hundred percent oblivious whenever Lance would attempt to flirt with him, which he supposed was better than the usual irritated looks he got.

At this point Lance had been coming in for almost a whole month. He came in as usual and went and leaned against the counter.

"Afternoon, Flower Boy." He said, smiling at him. Keith rlled his eyes and leaned forward, resting his arms on the counter.

"I'm starting to believe you've forgotten my name." Keith told him, and amused smile on his face.

"Me? No. I don't forget names. I improve 'em with nicknames." He said.

"I wouldn't call "Mullet Man" and improvement of Keith."

"Shows what you know about nicknames then."

"Whatever you say man." Keith said, getting up from his chair. "Anyway, what do you need today?" He asked.

"Nothin', I thought I'd just stop by." Lance shrugged.

"Alright. Hey, whatever happened between you and that girl?" He asked.

"Huh? What girl?" Lance tilted his head.

"That girl you were in here buying flowers for." Keith said it like it was obvious.

"Oh, her! Yeah uh, things didn't work out between us." He shrugged like it was nothing.

"That's too bad." Keith said.

"I guess. She wasn't really my type anyway. I have my eyes on someone else anyway." While he said this he seemed pretty interested in observing the petals on a nearby flower.

"Already? That was quick." Keith snickered.

"What can I say, I work quickly." Lance said, looking back at him and grinning.

"Well, what's this new girl like?" Keith asked him.

"Hmmm... see, he's a very pretty guy. Doesn't talk much about himself, but I'd like to find out some more. I've been thinking about asking him on a date already but I'm not sure what would convince him."

"You're standing in a flower shop, I'm sure something here could get this guy to go out with you." Keith told him. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed Lance had found someone so quickly and he hadn't even had a shot at him, but he tried to ignore it.

"Hmm, you got a point there." He clapped his hands together. "Work your magic then, flower boy. Get me somethin' you know will win this guy over!"

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