Chapter Four

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The next day Lance didn't go into the flower store to talk with Keith. Instead he stood outside and waited for him to come out. He had the flowers Keith chose the day before in hand, a bouquet of multiple red and white flowers. One of the few things he'd learned about Keith was that he seemed to like the color red. He always chose red flowers, every day he wore red high top converse, whenever he tied his hair up while working he used a red hair tie that was otherwise kept on his wrist. He wondered if he'd have to find out everything about Keith through observation.

He didn't wait too long before Keith walked out of the store, thankfully without Allura.

"Hey, Keith." He said to get his attention. He turned to look at him, a slight smile on his face.

"Oh hey, there you are. I was wondering if I was gonna see you today." He said. "What's up with the flowers? Aren't they the ones I gave you yesterday?"

"Yeah, they are." He said, stepping up to him.

"Did things not go well with that guy?" He asked.

"Well, I'm not too sure yet."

"What do you mean...?" He tilted his head. Lance took a deep breath, preparing himself for this. He normally didn't get so nervous; it was usually easy for him to ask somebody out. He held the flowers out to him, staring mostly at them so he could avoid looking at Keith's eyes.

"Keith, would you like to go on a date with me?" He asked, a slight blush covering his face. He was forced to look him in the eye when Keith remained dead silent. He was staring at the flowers, clearly shocked, his violet eyes slightly wide and his face red up to his ears. After a painfully long, awkward silence he finally looked up at Lance.

"I- uh, yes, I'll go on a date with you..." He said, finally accepting the flowers. Lance breathed a sigh of relief, finally allowing himself to relax.

"When are you free?" He asked.

"This Saturday..." Keith told him, his face still red.

"Awesome! I know just where to take you then." Lance said, grinning.


That Saturday Lance picked up Keith from his house. He'd borrowed his older sister's car, after listening to her threaten to run him over if there was so much as a scratch on it when he got back. Upon getting to Keith's house, a small one story house surrounded by flower bushes (Planted by Allura), and knocking on the front door, he learned Keith lived with both his brother and Allura. When Keith stepped out on to the porch and closed the door behind him Lance quickly looked him over.

He was wearing a t-shirt with a UFO on it, along with the words "I want to believe" (Which Lance thought made him a huge dork), black pants and his usual red converse. Lance had joked about him dressing like some emo kid before but it only got him an eye roll. He smiled at him, offering him a bright red flower.

"Aw, I see you've figured out my favorite color." Keith said, taking it. The smile on his face was a small one but Lance couldn't help but think about how much more attractive he was when he smiled.

"I mean; it was pretty easy since you kept choosing red flowers." Lance told him.

"I guess that would make it a bit obvious." Keith laughed. The left the porch and walked down the driveway to the car. Lance opened the door for Keith before going and getting in the driver's seat.

Lance had worried things might get awkward since the circumstances were different than their usual conversations, but it really wasn't different at all. Keith laughed at his bad jokes, which just encouraged Lance to make more only to listen to Keith's laugh and glance over to see him smile. After a little while Keith asked,

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