Strawberry Fields Forever

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I then more calmly said, "I don't know." I then shut the door and left.

As I was walking down an old, but familiar road, I began to think. What if my whole life has been a dream, and none of it's real. No Youtube, no Lisa, no money, no fame.. What if? The sun was beginning to rise and I realized exactly how hungry I actually am. Food. I need food. I didn't feel like going home because I didn't want to be reminded of what my life is. I want to be the tall, skinnier Shane again. I can't contemplate what's happening now, I need to worry about my future, the next couple of days. I decided I'd walk to McDonald's since I remembered where it was since it was right next to the school. School. I completely forgot about school. What am I going to do? What day is it, exactly?

As soon as I reached the McDonald's, I asked them what day it was and what time it was. The short, zitty teenager said, after giving me a dirty and questioning look, "It is.. Saturday the 15th, and the time is 6:43am." I thanked her and went and sat down. I walked up to a booth that had a napkin on the seat. I got a bit comfortable and began thinking. What do I do? I pushed the napkin off the seat and watched it fly under the table next to me. It had some scribbles on it. Curiously, I leaned over and stretched out my arm and grabbed it, falling out of my seat. I got up, wiped off my red, huge basketball shorts and sat down. I could hear the the girl at the cash register laugh, she's been watching me. I rolled my eyes and read the napkin:


Roses are red,

violets are blue,

Look to your left,

I'm staring at you.

I was WAY too afraid to look to my left. This is all WAY too creepy. Instinctively, but cautiously, I looked to my left, I felt as if someone was staring at me. I slowly turned my head studying each item as my eyes slowly moved. I finally turned fully and made eye contact with a little girl. She was across the street and she was just staring at me. I found it completely disturbing. It couldn't be her. I looked around her. No other people, just her and the brick wall of another restaurant, with the occasional car passing by. We locked eyes for maybe 30 seconds until I started to get up and leave. She kept eye contact with me, as I kept eye contact with her. I started walking towards the door when I tripped once again over myself. I collected myself once again and proceeded outside. I didn't even look both ways, I just crossed the street (like a boss) and made my way to her. I don't know why but she just kept me mesmerized. She was maybe 5'0, had short blonde, wavy hair, and had blue eyes. She looked as if she was maybe 13 years old, was a bit chubby and looked as if she was worried about something as I came closer. I stopped about three feet in front of her. "Did you write that note? How do you know who I am?" She narrowed her eyes and studied me. "Shane?," I nodded. "Follow me." I hesitantly began to follow her as she turned to her left down the road. I caught up to her and began asking her questions. "What happened, why am I here?," She just kept on walking, ignoring each question as if I wasn't there. But she looked at me as if I was. She looked strangely familiar. "Who are you?" She gazed up at me but kept on walking. I followed her down an alley way. I probably looked like a crazed pedophile following a kid down an alley way. At the end of the alley was a sidewalk that lead up and over a grassy hill. It was completely random, on one side, a disgusting city, and on the other, a calm meadow. It looked completely odd. Like there was an off side to it. She lead me up to the beginning of the sidewalk. I stopped right in front of it. I kind of felt a force pulling me on to the sidewalk. "Am I dead, is this hell?" I asked, seriously. She stopped, turned around, and looked at me. She just gave me a look like 'hurry up I don't got all day'. I asked her again, "Am I dead?" She kind of side smiled and studied me. She looked down at my cheap, raggedy shoes, to my red shorts, to my gigantic black shirt. "We don't know yet." Then she turned around and began walking. I stood there not knowing what to do. Should I follow her and join the force that was pulling me in? Or should I stand here like the fat ass I am? I decided I'd follow her. I don't know why, but as soon as I set foot on to the sidewalk, I could already tell I liked the feeling of it. As soon as the tip of my shoe hit the force it pulled me in and when I was on the other side I took a deep breath. Woe. I felt peace. I felt happiness. I felt an amazing feeling that replaced every piece of my body. I realized my eyes were closed, and my body was absorbing the fresh, new environment I was in. I opened my eyes with a huge smile on my face. The girl was staring at me and smiling. I said, "What?," and I could already tell why. My voice was different. I looked down at myself. I was my skinny self again. I was wearing black converse, regular jeans, and my shirt that had the word 'infamous' scribbled at the top. I started laughing and felt amazing. I wanted to hug someone. I ran up to the girl and gave her a big hug. But I just hugged air. I looked around. "Where did she go?" I automatically looked to my left, thinking she was playing the staring game again. She wasn't there. I looked around, I took a full 360 degree turn. All there was was a grassy field with a sidewalk, no force, no buildings or alleys. Just grass and me. I stuck my hands in my pockets by habit and found a note. It was on a regular piece of paper this time, in pink ink. I unfolded it.

A Shane Dawson Story-Youtuber FanficWhere stories live. Discover now