Fatal Miscommunication

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Hey guys!

Tumblr inc.'s younger brother is here and he's already giving me feels.

Either a beautiful story, or the ESC music I was listening to while writing made me emotional, judge for yourselves.


He looked up at a triangular prism. "Let him go!" he demanded, wishing he could stand up. His knees were shaking too hard though, his eyes filled with tears.

"How about no?" she asked, laughing.

Hetalia shot his eyes open. He was sweaty, teary, shaky and scared to hell and back. His yellow, red and black oversized sleeping t-shirt was soaking wet like if he'd just fallen into a swimming pool.

It was the fifth time he got woken up by Hipsterpocalypse dream. He took a few deep breaths, sat up and shook his head, before he rolled out of his bed and started doing push-ups, despite it still being dark outside and no sane person would be working out at such unholy hour.

"Holy Doitsu," he prayed, "ward off those nightmares with your army, save me from the enemy and give me strenght I need, in name of Wurst, Beer und Potato. A-patato."

After that, he let out a sight, stood up and walked to the bathroom, where he refreshed his face and only then returned to bed.

"Shine bright like a Doitsu," he declared to himself, before falling asleep again.


Hetalia was on his way to Tumblr inc. He didn't sleep well for about a month or so now and it seemed no prayer to the Holy Figures of Doitsuism helped. He was in really Soviet Russia mood now, and whoever was the first one to step on his nerves was about to get at least minory injured.

A few 'hey, Hetalia!'s later, he was in the office he shared with Presenting, the Fandoms and Antisocial Media. The first one was apparently fangirling over one of the fandoms from the main office again and the second one was scrolling through a story on Wattpad.

"Oh dear," she muttered, looked at the few following paragraphs again, and then pretended like nothing happened.

Hetalia ignored the obvious lean on the fourth wall and finished the way to his desk. He lacked sleep, and it could be seen on his face for the past two weeks. AsM tried to ignore it, guessing it had nothing to do with her. Since he was one of PtF's favourite OCs, she was worried though and now decided it was time for talk.

"Hetalia, you okay?" she asked.

He answered with a growl and half-heartedly started drawing GerIta fanart.

She sighted and continued: "You look awful, want to talk about it?"

Hetalia shook his head.

"You look like you're about to fall asleep. I want to help."

He gave her a death glare and if she wasn't so busy with his wellbeing and cared more about her own health, she'd notice what her sister already did: barely audible deep chanting of 'kolkolkolkolkolkol...'

Presenting, the Fandoms walked all the way up to him and gently touched his shoulder. "We're here to help you and you're here to help us. Hetalia, you can tell me anything."

Sleepdeprived Hetalia only could hear that she was talking to him and he didn't like it. He slammed his hands at the table and pushed her away into the bookcase behind her. "LASS MICH IN RUHE!" he yelled, unable to even say 'leave me alone' in English because of frustration.

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